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    you just got 250+ cool person points CB

    Maybe this sounds familiar then? Or perhaps this?
    I remember liking Jarre as a kid, then I had this phase when I kind of forgot about him but recently I found all the amazingness again and now I definitely won't forget ever again. :>

    *If you ever want some Jarre, my mp3 collection is where it's at*


    eh dunno 'bout that. I kind of got enough of Green Day when my former friend introduced me to their music :X

    I'd honestly think Jarre deserves the "music god" title a lot more, considering he's done so much and so good and he's still touring even though he's like over 60 or something.
    Plus he composed the first song that was supposed to be played in space but then stuff happened.
    And he knows how to compose pieces that can't just be listened, they have to be listened. Plus they just blow your mind in every imaginable way <3

    well now would you look at that
    you got me started on my favourite ever musical genius
    there's no stopping me now :U
    Well, there's certainly some effort put into it, I'll give you that.

    Try it, even? It's really beautiful in a weird, interesting way plus Jarre is basically a musical god :U
    his music is like WOAAAAH THE WHOLE UNIVERSE IS ENTERING MY BRAIN WOAUHAUAG IT'S AMAZING, at least that's what it makes me feel <3
    (makes me feel like typing in all-caps too C:)
    I really don't know what to think about it :U

    whaaaat did you even listen to it at all
    You're hatin' the song because of its name? wut
    that's just my sona.

    The words I want to hear are "You are beautiful" because I'm very self-conscious, especially about my image.
    It's an Allstate commercial. He does another where he starts shaking a tree and it falls and crashes on the car. Or he's a girl jogging and some guy in a car stares at him and crashes. Yeah. xD
    I'm getting really annoyed with the Progressive commercials and the Old Navy ones, and the Geico ones. DD:

    But I really like the one with Mayhem where he's like, "I'm a teenage girl. My bff Becky just texted me and said she kissed Johnny. Well, that's a problem, because I like Johnny. Now I'm emotionally compromised, etc..." xD
    Are there any commercials that you really find annoying? Or really like for that matter? xD
    I don't remember, I'm probably exaggerating or under exaggerating. I dunno. D:
    Yeah, I was watching It's Effin' Science or something like that and there was this commercial and Billie Joe Armstrong was on it for like 2 seconds.
    Oh I don't remember. It was... ummm... grrr. I don't remember, but I think I saw the commercial on the science channel. I think?

    Awww, well at least you played it. C:

    I saw Billie Joe Armstrong on a tv commercial the other day and you know who popped up in my mind? You. o:
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