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  • *stops flailing and carefully hugs back, though still holding man just in case*
    hahaha. what if there isn't a god?

    i know. that's why i'm so glad to get out. :D let's hope texas is different ish
    haha. What if I get caught in a storm or something and get hurt?

    hahaha... I totally understand that. I lived in "Hillbilly Hollow" as we called it. Aww, poor though
    i hope so D: I really hope some weird natural disaster doesn't come through this part of texas when we leave tomorrow. D:

    Is it our fault? Or are we just lucky we miss all this stuff a day after?

    I'm not planning on going to school in Oklahoma. And the panhandle is really short. D:
    and you can guilt trip the parents easier C:

    nah. we're distantly related. but dad was like, "yo, if you ever want to go to college in oklahoma, we have family there C:"

    But get this, kinda freaks me out:

    We passed through Montana, the next day, a tornado goes through the town we were staying at.
    We passed through Wyoming, we through a small storm. An hour later, that storm made baseball sized hail that went through car windows.
    We passed through Oklahoma today, and I heard that a storm passed through there too.

    Not like 1 years old baby, but like being the baby of the family.

    So.. I went through Oklahoma today. And apparently I have lots of family there. It was weird seeing my last name on billboards and stuff. :x
    *screams and flails man she is holding around in a circle in attempts to hurt you*
    *grabs man standing in the booth and tries to get you off booth by hitting you with him*
    *jumps into a convienently place blue telephone booth and tries to teleport away*
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