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  • ...no. I'm not opening to you right now. Not in any mood to do that.

    *facepalm* See now why did you put it somewhere everyone can see? I thought you were smarter than that. It doesn't help that I encounter people that do that (phone number? Really? Sure, put your name and shit and photos like I care but damn man >|) all the time and ...argh. You know what. Serious, I should stop here. It won't help to open up and it'll just make me feel like a bitchy old lady for a weekend. Do not want.
    Mostly because I imagine his voice when I see you type, for some strange reason. And you're a little like him but...yeah. Argh. I'm in a bad mood. I may have failed a math quarterly assesment (although everything checked out okay. It's probably my paranoia acting up again) and I feel like I have to keep up my ~geeky charade~ at schoo-fuck it, let's just stop right there, I'm rambing again and no sane man wants to hear me bitch again.

    How have you been doing? Have you talked to any counserlers yet?
    This should confuse blazhuy, shouldn it not?

    Also, you remind me of a guy in class. That's not particularly a compliment, but okay.

    except you don't make fun of my terrible sports abilities alla time. You probably would though since I literally can't do it :v

    Jesus, man. You jump from one thing to another so fast, it's hard to keep up.

    Moltres is probably my favourite legendary bird :D You're planning to catch it, right?
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