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  • Speaking of zombie.

    I dunno if I'm dressed as a zombie or zombie victim, but I have fake blood all over me and all over the bathroom. It looks like a crime scene in there.
    I'm not unhealthy!

    Well, I could be... I probably have zombie germs from that guy creeping on me in the cage. :( I guess I'll be a zombie soon, screeching like him instead of forming words
    Well, if you lived here, you could've volunteered to be a zombie and chase people and stuff. xD
    Exactly. xD

    And then I had to get these fake hearts and squeeze some blood out of them and put a few drops in the antidote vial. It was just amazing and creepy and fun. Especially creepy when we got to a room with all cages, and the guy who was helping us get to Santuary told us to flip the switches.

    Well... the lights turned off, and when they flickered on again, we were completely surrounded by zombies who were trying to grab us and eat our brains. I can't wait to do it again next year, but with a different theme. :D
    No, it was an act. The whole thing was like an RPG and there were people everywhere who acted as characters. His character was a soldier who had bandages all over his head so you could only see his one eye. And he really likes pretty girls, so he chases them and likes touching their face and hair and stuff. But he can't speak, so he only speaks in screeches. And put me in a cage so I couldn't run away from him. :(

    But it was amazing. The soldiers were kinda creepy too. One came up to me and was like "You looking at me?!" and then got a grenade out and tried to put it in my mouth and pull the pin.

    Needless to say, it seemed as if everyone chose me. I got chased and locked up by a creeper, two tormented sisters who lost their mother to zombies wanted begged me to stay with them because they took a liking to me, there was a little zombie girl who came up to me and started playing with my necklace. The bad guy doctors chose me and put me up to a wall, making me raise my right hand so they could chop it off with a cleaver. And then I was chosen to be given the antidote for the zombies. It was quite a night. xD
    True, true. I must confess, it's pretty awesome. >->

    Yes, but it was creepy as well. I think the most creepy part was the one character who chased me everywhere around the Outpost and would screech at me. (Because he couldn't speak.) And got super close and started smelling me and lovingly touching my face and putting my hair behind my ear. Especially when he put me in that little cage and I couldn't move. My sister was just egging them on the whole time and laughing. :(
    facebook? Why?

    Also, I just realized I still have fake blood on my arms. D:
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