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Kai Lucifer
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  • Ah. Damn. :< Well, I'll have a Kingdra and Tyranitar on my ALT POST GAME TEAM YES
    YEAH LET'S GO FIND SOMEONE you do it i'm plotting evilly for HG. kekekekekeh.

    Alright, so that's five Pokemon.. though I wanted Umbreon Flareon's epic too. AND THEN I'LL TRY TO GET YANMEGAAAAA no wait that's stupid

    Ah, but Fire Fang's really the only physical Fire move that's.. uh clearly I haven't looked at Flareon's movepool >_>


    *shrug* I just know I like it :o Also SEAKING isn't that special but FUCK YEAH SEAKING
    Hmm, not really looking for Legendaries, so Flareon'll have to do. :o Where would- actually, I could go ask Pokearth, while I'm there :o

    I usually don't have Eeveelutions, since.. well. Eevees are slightly hard to get, and usually it's only one, given to you by someone.


    Apparently it's ugly. *shrug* Go figure?
    Mmm, slightly. So far I've Meganium, Mantine, Sneasel, and that's it. :< Lack of fire types is lacking, though Houndoom..?

    I don't get why everyone hates the Scyther sprite :<
    The sprites, d'you mean? If so, yeah, I LIEK SEAKING and don't get the hate for Scyther. :o
    I'm just copying my PMD game, really :o Don't say it to her face or she'll whoooop your ass. :x

    I saw~ Copyen you nao~
    Oh. Nice. :o *runs away*

    Well.. 'S still a Johto Pokemon? :D Anyways, I know that Meganium is awesome and Bayleef sucks. :<
    Don't mean to bother you but I am kinda jealous of all the upsidedown avatars going around, so could u make me one?
    I've never played the original GSC, so I'm not really sure what you can get and when and where and how :< Of course, I'd guess all Johto Pokemon, but I want to include some Kantos tooooo

    Though YANMEGA
    I dun know. i thiiink, sorry.

    klutz = clumsy, always drops things (case in point: the football incident. thread in cc, i got a head scan today. itsn't really a concussion, but he did say something about a lotta migranes for a few days.)
    well, more like having my hand on the base of my leather chair, standing up and causing it to bend. yawp.

    i'm fine now, but stil typh is a klutz ><
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