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Recent content by Kali the Flygon

  1. Kali the Flygon

    Been a while

    Not too much, still interested in things like Pokemon, artwork and roleplaying, doing work in microelectronics. What have you been up to?
  2. Kali the Flygon

    Been a while

    Hello, just found this place again after years of inactivity. Wanted to say hi and see how things were going, who's still around, etc.
  3. Kali the Flygon

    Idea Centre 3: Idea Harder

    I have to wonder, is anyone still around here? Would it still be useful to try to come up with RP ideas?
  4. Kali the Flygon

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes Master Hand. In goes an oldtimer stopping by for the first time in months
  5. Kali the Flygon

    I'm surprised anyone remembers that. Yes, that's correct. I'm old now ;)

    I'm surprised anyone remembers that. Yes, that's correct. I'm old now ;)
  6. Kali the Flygon

    heh, I'm surprised too. What's up then?

    heh, I'm surprised too. What's up then?
  7. Kali the Flygon

    Idea Center: Part Deuce

    So I decided to stop in after an epic long hiatus, and it feels like I never left. The same rps I remember seeing last time, like a year ago or longer, are still on the front page. Where is everyone? What happened to all the ideas and stuff? I wonder if I should try to come up with some kind of...
  8. Kali the Flygon


  9. Kali the Flygon

    Call of the Dragon [OPEN]

    How many more are we looking for? Are we just waiting for LS99 to finish their form?
  10. Kali the Flygon

    (The Roleplay itself) Pokemon: Eevee Society: Birth of a New darkness

    A white-furred Eevee was walking along the other side of town, when he saw a big object crashing into the ground nearby. He yelped and ran off away, toward the others though he wasn't aware of this fact. "Ahh! The sky is falling!"
  11. Kali the Flygon

    Call of the Dragon [OPEN]

    Name: Sarah Moravia Gender: Female Age: 15 Personality: (Mostly played out...) Sarah is a gentle, quiet soul. She doesn't like to cause trouble, instead preferring to stay to herself, but when around others she tries to be helpful and kind. This attitude leads to sometimes being easily taken...
  12. Kali the Flygon

    9Sign-ups still accepted) Pokemon: Eevee Society: Birth of a New Darkness

    Re: Pokemon: Eevee Society: Birth of a New Darkness All right, well, when you're ready to post the first actual RP post, you can make a new topic in the normal RP forum.
  13. Kali the Flygon

    9Sign-ups still accepted) Pokemon: Eevee Society: Birth of a New Darkness

    Re: Pokemon: Eevee Society: Birth of a New Darkness Name: Kochi Evolution (Optional): Vaporeon Altered Appearance: Kochi is a light, lavender shade. He is also very big for a Vaporeon. He stands about 4 feet tall Personality: Kochi is rather laid back and cautious. He loves to eat, especially...
  14. Kali the Flygon

    Turning Points (OOC/Signup)

    I'll try to get this going this weekend... hopefully I'll have time then to finish my forms and get the RP started. Plenty of room still if you'd like to join.
  15. Kali the Flygon

    The Tale of Pokemon~Sign up

    I suppose I'll claim Snivy, and name her "Tsuki"
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