loves terra "brain cells? idk her" kingdomhearts
So I have made an RP just like this on another site, and it was popular,so lets see if it'll be popular here.
She was but a young girl, who grew as she trained, and who trained as she grew. But this girl wasn't human. No, she was a Pokemon.
Her adventures have brought her great sorrow, yet some joyous occasions. but as a tragic end, her flame of life was taken away by the cold wind of death. Here her story, and actually become her friend, a Pokemon, a hero...
As for starters, you pick one of the following pokemon on this list to Roleplay as;
Main Characters

Aura(By Dakaura)~A Celebi who has a passionate crave for adventure. Her strong will some times gets the best of her. Nevertheless, she will always be there to help.

Aqua(By Mewmew:))~ A Mew who loves to fight for justice. She may be too quick to start a fighting, but her strength brings comfort around her friends

Dementia(By Lili)~ A Gardevoir trained by Dusknoir. A few years back, Dusknoir betrayed Gardevoir by almost destroying the guild. (yes, there is a guild,but with different members) Even though Dementia almost got killed by him, she still has feelings for Dusknoir.

Dusknoir (by Coroxn, nicknamed Enigma) ~He was Dementia's teacher. Dusknoir taught Dementia how to bend time and space to use for the greater good. Alas, dusknoir choose to use his power for evil.Dusknoir is half alive, half robot, seeking revenge...
Guild Members

Snivy(By KTF, nicknamed Tsuki)~Snivy is one of the guild members. She is a funloving pokemon that everyone trusts. however, when danger calls, she usually hids under a desk or bed.

Tepig(By Barubu, nicknamed Otto)~ Tepig loves to eat food,especially watermelons. If an enemy lurks by, he uses the seeds from watermelons to knock them out. But Tepig cannot handle his attacks very well.

Oshawott(By ILiekSquirtles, Oshawott nicknamed James Bond II)~Oshawott uses his cute charm to trick foes. then he will use a Razor Shell attack to knock 'em out. he's what you might call 'Cute but Deadly'.

Pachirisu(By Lili, nicknamed Ellie)~ Pachirisu is the eldest member in the guild. She somehow knows when an enemy is about to attack. Of course, being the eldest means having lots of experience in battles.

Shinx~Shinx usually sleeps for most of the day. He hates to get into battles when he doesn't have to. However, When battling, his Thunder attack can destroy the twin towers.

Pikachu~Pikachu always wears shades. Everyone knows him as the Popular Mouse. He does have a short tempur though. If someone calls him a rat, hell breaks loose.
Minor Good guys

Luna~ (Poochyena) a somewhat main character, not a member of the guild, but likes to stop by and take some missions with her friend Flare. Quite energetic and playful afet you get to know her, but sort of shy at first. She looks like a little puny pup, but is actually very fast and strong.

Flare~ is a small, fragile Cyndaquil. Best friends with Luna, and actually has some firepower. She is very shy, and rarely talks, except to Luna.

Moonlight~ is a brave, and very caring Umbreon. She tries to help whenever possible and ignores insults and brags. She is a bitter rival of Sunshine, the Espeon.

Sunshine~ is a cunning and stealthy Espeon. She is very talented at deception, and has ESP (XD obviously). She tries to fight villains alone, and only helps herself. She is a bitter rival of Moonlight

Soprano (Meloetta)(By Darkaura) is a singing and dancing Pokemon, she has a step form, which gives her fighting skills, and she has a voice form, which lets her have strong Psychic abilities. Unusually quiet for a music Pokemon, and somewhat knows Luna. She is usually seen writing down notes and scales for a new song that pops in her head. She also is very trustworthy, no secret ever escapes her. And when a trusted friend gives her an important task, she will do anything to get it done right then. Sometimes she doesn't use complete sentences, typically when she's concentrating

Swanna~ Swanna is the guild master. She is close friends with Wigglytuff. Swanna always loves Chocolate Poptarts. Occasionally, She'll trade her Perfect apples with Wigglytuff's Pop-tarts

Kibago is energetic and exitable. He is a new member of the guild and decides to secretly go on the mission.

Glaceon and Leafeon are best friends who work for the guild, their job is to find Seana and get info on Dusknoir.

Cressantia (Cresselia) is a beautifuk calm Pokemon that is determined
to find Darkrai.

Char is a cocky Charmeleon who is friends with Hydro.

Hydro is a tough, confident Blatoise who always taunts Bulby with Char.

Bulby is a brave, but shy Bulbasaur, he is taunted by Hydro and Char for having not evolved at all.
All 3 Kanto starters where assigned to split up and capture Deoxys.
Evil Pokemon:
Main villians

Deoxys is extremeley evil and destructive, and plans to kill the guild... or worse

Mewtwo is an exremeley selfish, and emotionless Pokemon, he is very stong and is determined to kill Aqua.

Weavile is smart, stealthy, and very deceptive. She kills at first sight and cares about nothing.

Darkrai is a pokemon that creates nightmares and tortures inocent pokemon. He is very smart, and has spent years hiding from Cressantia in nightmares.
Minor Villains

Spiritomb is a very cold Pokemon, he dwels in a cave and haunts everyone that has came in, but when defeated hides in his stone from embarassment.

Seana(By Darkaura) is a buneary who deceived Aura and Dementia, then betrayed them, she is a servant of Dusknoir.

Hiyakkiee, Baokkiee, and Yanakkiee are the new bad guys in town, and have been assigned to kill the Unova starters by an unkown source.

Zoroark and Zorua are pitiful enemies that fight with each other instead of good guys.
If there aren't enough slots, you may choose your own pokemon, but all of these slots have to be filled first.
I'm Aura,Seana,Soprano and . Oh, and the paragraph at the top is one of the pokemon to choose from.Bu I won't tell! =P
Now please join!
1)Darkaura ~ Aura, Seana, Soprano
2)ILiekSquirtles ~ James Bond II
3)Mewmew ~ Aqua
4)Kali the Flygon ~ Tsuki
5)Lili ~ Dementia and Ellie
6)Barubu ~ Otto
7)Coroxn ~ Enigma
She was but a young girl, who grew as she trained, and who trained as she grew. But this girl wasn't human. No, she was a Pokemon.
Her adventures have brought her great sorrow, yet some joyous occasions. but as a tragic end, her flame of life was taken away by the cold wind of death. Here her story, and actually become her friend, a Pokemon, a hero...
As for starters, you pick one of the following pokemon on this list to Roleplay as;
Main Characters

Aura(By Dakaura)~A Celebi who has a passionate crave for adventure. Her strong will some times gets the best of her. Nevertheless, she will always be there to help.

Aqua(By Mewmew:))~ A Mew who loves to fight for justice. She may be too quick to start a fighting, but her strength brings comfort around her friends

Dementia(By Lili)~ A Gardevoir trained by Dusknoir. A few years back, Dusknoir betrayed Gardevoir by almost destroying the guild. (yes, there is a guild,but with different members) Even though Dementia almost got killed by him, she still has feelings for Dusknoir.

Dusknoir (by Coroxn, nicknamed Enigma) ~He was Dementia's teacher. Dusknoir taught Dementia how to bend time and space to use for the greater good. Alas, dusknoir choose to use his power for evil.Dusknoir is half alive, half robot, seeking revenge...
Guild Members

Snivy(By KTF, nicknamed Tsuki)~Snivy is one of the guild members. She is a funloving pokemon that everyone trusts. however, when danger calls, she usually hids under a desk or bed.

Tepig(By Barubu, nicknamed Otto)~ Tepig loves to eat food,especially watermelons. If an enemy lurks by, he uses the seeds from watermelons to knock them out. But Tepig cannot handle his attacks very well.

Oshawott(By ILiekSquirtles, Oshawott nicknamed James Bond II)~Oshawott uses his cute charm to trick foes. then he will use a Razor Shell attack to knock 'em out. he's what you might call 'Cute but Deadly'.

Pachirisu(By Lili, nicknamed Ellie)~ Pachirisu is the eldest member in the guild. She somehow knows when an enemy is about to attack. Of course, being the eldest means having lots of experience in battles.

Shinx~Shinx usually sleeps for most of the day. He hates to get into battles when he doesn't have to. However, When battling, his Thunder attack can destroy the twin towers.

Pikachu~Pikachu always wears shades. Everyone knows him as the Popular Mouse. He does have a short tempur though. If someone calls him a rat, hell breaks loose.
Minor Good guys

Luna~ (Poochyena) a somewhat main character, not a member of the guild, but likes to stop by and take some missions with her friend Flare. Quite energetic and playful afet you get to know her, but sort of shy at first. She looks like a little puny pup, but is actually very fast and strong.

Flare~ is a small, fragile Cyndaquil. Best friends with Luna, and actually has some firepower. She is very shy, and rarely talks, except to Luna.

Moonlight~ is a brave, and very caring Umbreon. She tries to help whenever possible and ignores insults and brags. She is a bitter rival of Sunshine, the Espeon.

Sunshine~ is a cunning and stealthy Espeon. She is very talented at deception, and has ESP (XD obviously). She tries to fight villains alone, and only helps herself. She is a bitter rival of Moonlight

Soprano (Meloetta)(By Darkaura) is a singing and dancing Pokemon, she has a step form, which gives her fighting skills, and she has a voice form, which lets her have strong Psychic abilities. Unusually quiet for a music Pokemon, and somewhat knows Luna. She is usually seen writing down notes and scales for a new song that pops in her head. She also is very trustworthy, no secret ever escapes her. And when a trusted friend gives her an important task, she will do anything to get it done right then. Sometimes she doesn't use complete sentences, typically when she's concentrating

Swanna~ Swanna is the guild master. She is close friends with Wigglytuff. Swanna always loves Chocolate Poptarts. Occasionally, She'll trade her Perfect apples with Wigglytuff's Pop-tarts

Kibago is energetic and exitable. He is a new member of the guild and decides to secretly go on the mission.

Glaceon and Leafeon are best friends who work for the guild, their job is to find Seana and get info on Dusknoir.

Cressantia (Cresselia) is a beautifuk calm Pokemon that is determined
to find Darkrai.

Char is a cocky Charmeleon who is friends with Hydro.

Hydro is a tough, confident Blatoise who always taunts Bulby with Char.

Bulby is a brave, but shy Bulbasaur, he is taunted by Hydro and Char for having not evolved at all.
All 3 Kanto starters where assigned to split up and capture Deoxys.
Evil Pokemon:
Main villians

Deoxys is extremeley evil and destructive, and plans to kill the guild... or worse

Mewtwo is an exremeley selfish, and emotionless Pokemon, he is very stong and is determined to kill Aqua.

Weavile is smart, stealthy, and very deceptive. She kills at first sight and cares about nothing.

Darkrai is a pokemon that creates nightmares and tortures inocent pokemon. He is very smart, and has spent years hiding from Cressantia in nightmares.
Minor Villains

Spiritomb is a very cold Pokemon, he dwels in a cave and haunts everyone that has came in, but when defeated hides in his stone from embarassment.

Seana(By Darkaura) is a buneary who deceived Aura and Dementia, then betrayed them, she is a servant of Dusknoir.

Hiyakkiee, Baokkiee, and Yanakkiee are the new bad guys in town, and have been assigned to kill the Unova starters by an unkown source.

Zoroark and Zorua are pitiful enemies that fight with each other instead of good guys.
If there aren't enough slots, you may choose your own pokemon, but all of these slots have to be filled first.
I'm Aura,Seana,Soprano and . Oh, and the paragraph at the top is one of the pokemon to choose from.Bu I won't tell! =P
Now please join!
1)Darkaura ~ Aura, Seana, Soprano
2)ILiekSquirtles ~ James Bond II
3)Mewmew ~ Aqua
4)Kali the Flygon ~ Tsuki
5)Lili ~ Dementia and Ellie
6)Barubu ~ Otto
7)Coroxn ~ Enigma
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