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Karkat Vantas
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  • Okay.

    Also, sometime, I should totally battle her with you as the ref. Because there's already a battle where you battle her and I ref, and because there has been at least one battle where I battle you and she refs.
    5vs5 singles
    Style: Set
    DQ: 1 week
    Damage Cap: 40%
    Banned Moves: Direct recovery, Pain Split, any moves that instantly faint a battler (Explosion, OHKOs, Destiny Bond, Perish Song, etc.). Chills are restricted to 7 per Pokémon.
    Arena: MFvsKV V

    Oh gog, will these two ever settle their gogdamn problem? Well, it's more fun if they don't. And to celebrate this being the fifth match, they'll fight using only Gen V Pokemon, in a five-colored, V-shaped platform. Each round, there's a 45% chance a Pokemon whose name starts with a V (listed below) will randomly attack one of the battlers with an (effective, so no Dream Eating awake Pokemon or using Swords Dance or one of the banned moves) attack from their movepool, and a 5% chance that one of the active Pokemon will turn into one. Pokemon with names starting with a V are: Vanillish, Vanillite, Vanilluxe, Vaporeon, Venipede, Venomoth, Venonat, Venusaur, Vespiquen, Vibrava, Victini, Victreebel, Vigoroth, Vileplume, Virizion, Volbeat, Volcarona, Voltorb, Vullaby, Vulpix.
    Other: Gen V Pokemon are allowed to use Sleep Talk, dammit.

    That good?
    Yeah, going to type it up.

    At least that means people won't wanna get DQ'd, right? ... Now I'm picturing somebody hurrying to the computer yelling "OH GOG KARKAT IS GOING TO KILL ME LITERALLY"

    What would the actual playing field be, though? Castelia's already about as good as taken, what with the tournament's whole first round taking place there, and Raimon I've been thinking of having a Metronome battle on.
    We could make it so these can slide into the battle and attack somebody.
    I really don't need a running commentary on your horrible DQs, thanks. Note that I don't do a descriptive DQ? That's the standard.

    EDIT: Blood... in their uvulas? I'm pretty sure that's either normal or impossible, depending on how you mean it.
    I'm kind of in a hurry to get a Zweilous so I can get the intended point across. As in, internal fanbase flamewars. Also, Bagon are enormous losers, so, I also want mine to skip some of the battling.
    I'm planning on blowing all that shit around so I can make my pseudo-legendaries evolve faster, actually.
    Also, I'm about to get swimming in Rare Candies. Even with Megatherium's stuff unaccounted for, I can pump out two.
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