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Karkat Vantas
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  • Actually, I was thinking of a one-on-one for Warfare and Fudgie. All the moreso because Ankle Biter isn't that much of a seafarer and Almight Electric Flounder has a clear type advantage there.

    I was thinking of making it so the battle is in a pool and there's Pokemon from our respective teams itching to interfere but being unable to because of the water. It could be that each side has a certain chance of sucessfully hitting the opposition with a random projectile attack.
    And I need to let Warfare battle for once. I mean, she's the only one of the original three that didn't battle even once.

    Hm... I guess I just know where that battle four might as well be.

    I'm currently (making staggeringly slow progress towards) reffing another one of my battles, one that has been waiting for a good deal longer.
    Because in this hypotetical scenario where the pairings are left the way they are, the winner of Metallica Fanboy vs. Grass King would have to face Negrek next. Henceforth, beating Grass King there would have been a hollow victory.

    I'm pretty sure somebody who's actually smart would make a better mentor.
    The next round's pairings will be re-randomized, actually.

    And thank goodness for that, because otherwise, I would have actually wanted Grass King to beat me.
    Grass King beat me.

    Stupid Gen V, always with the Sleep Talk not being a TM anymore.
    I don't know. For one, I have to reorganize my active squad, because clearly, I'll no longer be needing the selection I've made for the '11 tournament.
    I don't visit the debate forum, but I'm sure he was the same there as everywhere else: thoughtless, impolite, and convinced of his own correctness.
    the battle had too many........ MOVES and CONDITIONALS

    Four of mine ended in DQs, and two when one of the battlers got banned. Get used to it.

    EDIT: Well, looks like playing on my home field has an overwhelming advantage.
    Yeah, I should definetly avoid posting commands while I'm in a dumb mood in the future.
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