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Karkat Vantas
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  • You can buy a Maggyo with cash.

    And the amount I'm intending should be way more than enough.
    Is pure cash cool as well?

    I've no idea what a Karkat is, so, I wouldn't have guessed.
    I dunno, Fake Krabby?

    A Skorupi... Well, I have plenty of Bug-types already (if we count the Bachuru), but it evolves to Drapion, so, the type repetitions wouldn't be that bad.

    I could check your wishlist, but, I'm thinking of just giving people a load of that one gift I'd obviously give.
    There are three things I'll have enough of by the time Gen V Pokémon come out: Ground-types (counting Safetymouse because she's supposed to become one), Electric-types and type repetitions.
    Eh, not at all. They're ugly and I already have a coupon for a Bachuru.
    Well, I'm not sure if out of thread communication is allowed, so I guess I'll just reply to you in the thread.
    I suppose... I was considering that but Sofa told me it would make his brains explode from confusion if I named myself anything near Karkat xD
    AG: Okay okay, geeeeeeeez, I managed to change it.
    AG: And hey, I killed my lusus too!!!!!!!!
    AG: In a much more direct way than you did, in fact. You just ran a stupid program that exploded your computer, which your lusus happened to 8e in the 8last radius of. I summoned up a freaking guillotine that sliced her head off!
    AG: ...We are both horri8le, horri8le children, aren't we????????
    AG: I would loooooooove to, but sadly the page I need to go to is completely 8roken! I can't get in at all!!!!!!!! D::::
    So are we allowed to make multiple challenges/have multiple battles? It would seem so, but I can't find a conclusive word on it.
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