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  • Awesome! But I still think you should have some loose idea of where we're going, especially if we're having any major antagonists.
    I have a few, but I threw away most of them/

    It's not a bad thing though to remind yourself of the bad stuff lol
    yeah, it will. since it's an AU it doesn't matter, as long as we generally keep it on track we're fine.

    do you have some sort of outline for this?
    Yeah lol. I did paintings and drawings and stuff.

    Ah, I see. You should save it though simply so you can look at it and know what you need to improve.

    Okay :)
    I had fun, but my work got judged alot and yeaaaaaah not good x.x

    My drawing sucks, but it takes time to make it better :P And if you're the only one who sees it, then you don't need to judge it so much.

    Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know :(
    I was majoring in arts and stuff.

    It's a really useful skill, and I think it's fun :) It also helps calm me down, so yeah lol.

    So, do you feel like IMing on SKype?
    I was, and I couldn't handle the stress.

    Thanks :) My mother taught me how to sew and everything :) And they look cool! (Knows nothing about Homestuck)
    I'm not anymore, and I'm glad. School really sucked for me.

    It's Link's pj's :) And yes, I made it :)
    You have no idea, and yeah, I'm much better now lol. THese are problems I nearly had for a decade, so I'm glad I can finally take care of them now.

    Well, it's wrong :P

    And nice list lol, but too much Zelda for my taste :P
    I don't know how you can manage that. There's just so much to do... School and otherwise.

    I think I sent you a buddy request? I assume you're the Qvalador with the HOMESTUCK description written LIKE THIS.
    unfortunately I'm not! :( this month I get suuuuuper busy with school

    so instead i'm writing a diamond nuzlocke???
    Well, I was almost at the point were I agreed it would be better for me if I was in a hospital for some time. And it was my mom's decision wether or not to send me, but I sort of convinced her to just let me see a therapist.

    True lol, and you still don't bother me :P
    So I can be monitered and make sure I won't attempt suicide or anything.

    Hahaha XD And it's okay btw. I'm stronger now anyway :P
    Well, I did sort of a lot of bad things over the summer, so yeah, it was to be expected.

    Nah, not really. Society doesn't talk about it enough :P And of course you don't strain me lol.
    It was either see a therapist or go to a hospital, where I would see a therapist regardless, so yeah lol.

    Well, your mind can change about these things. And phew, I'm glad I don;t strain you lol.
    I had no choice lol.

    It;s a lot of work, sure, but it's worth it in the long run. And believe me, venting to people all the time who aren't properly trained to help cope with that will quickly put a big strain on them.
    I got lucky they had someone who knows what they're doing. Not alot of people with APD actually seek help, because of you know shyness and all.

    Ehh, I'd still reccomend it. Like, I'd be ten times worse without a therapist, for sure. And yeah, there are therapists like that, but if you do get one who's like that, then you tell someone about it and keep trying until you find someone who actually wants to help you.
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