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  • Hmm. I don't ever care about that. Oh, except for the one time that the battle scene went like this:

    PIPLUP USED BUBBLE! *no bubble graphic*

    I was upset. And after I beat Roark and everything...and no, I restarted the game since I beat it and there was nothing to do. I restarted again, and the graphics came back.
    Hahaha. Also, on a messed up 3DS by any chance? Probably not. I hate how Nintendo is trying to make us get a 3DS just for some better graphics. There are also some games only for the 3DS. I hate all these stupid gimmicks...sorry if I just ruined your joy of having B/W. I so didn't mean that.
    You're on :DDDD So, when are you getting B/W? Playing it now? I have to wait until the 28th my birthday to get it. I have the dough to get it, but when my birthday is reasonably soon, why should I blow all of that delicious money?
    I think I'll ask for White for my birthday. March 28 :3. I'll be wasting only 22 days or approx. 3 weeks waiting. Not as bad as it could be. At least my b-day's not in December. I like Zekrom. For more thoughts o' mine, look at my conversation with Terezi Pyrope. It's longer.
    Hmm...I will open up my new banner shop as soon as I get the example sheet designed, reading Homestuck, cyberschool, animation(claymation. Just Google it.), and tons of other misc things. What do you like? Oh, and are you getting Black or White or none? Oh, and I'm making a website in HTML and CSS.
    You are strange. So not seeing your dad is a fact of life, then. That makes me relieved. Ah, yes, details,details. (Psst. If you have no idea, I responded to everything in order of what you said.)
    Yeah, the cutie mark probably will. Who said I'm gonna be a Ponyhead?! Nope, my splices are awesome. I shall stick to my splices. See, now I'm sad. Seperated cause he's drunk and bipolar...that's sad. D': But why on Earth did you leave the puppy with him then? I don't know if this is personal too much...
    Ohhh yeah B| We fight the fight, walk the walk, talk the talk, eat the- uh, food? Like a celery stalk! :D
    Too much changing D: But she should get her cutie mark when she sang the song. See, I know a little about MLP. I just am neutral to it.
    Was this from the influence of the awesomest song in the world? HUSH NOW QUIET NOW sounds like as a result of her big voice this is what I think it sounds like: HUSH NOW SHUT UP NOW NOW GO TO SLEEP yup. Well, your dad living with your puppy isn't so bad as my twisted ideas. At least puppy didn't pass. So you live seperate from your dad. It would be sadder if I understood why. NO PINKIE PIE IS GREATTTT oh wait, Cirrus' avatar is Pinkie Pie. BUT I'M USED TO YOU BEING PINKIE NOOOOO
    It's nothing to us. We stay up maaaaaaad late since I am cyberschooled. Normally we go to sleep at...2:00 AM. Yeah, you heard me right. Why do you think I talk to you at 11:00?
    What happened? It passed? Run away? Sorry if this is making it worse... Wait, so you're in PST then? Wow, the 'Net unites people across the nation. Not that I didn't know that :P
    Added more pictures. I'm in EST (Pennslyvania), so it's...8:53. Added puppy named Max!
    And I'll be in my jammies. Nevermind the last VM, it lets me ignore it. I got lucky this time. Usually, you can't do anything at all-and I mean at all- to ignore it. But now it does 8D!!!
    Oh wow, I got software already. EDIT: No, wait, darn administrator school computer won't let me do this DX
    Pokemon's fine, it's why we're all here XD. I don't mind Wow Wow Wubbzy, since it's cute. And Wubbzy is lovable. I don't hate My Little Pony in any way, shape, or form, I just don't care at all. I watch it without complaining, but I wouldn't watch it over anything. Except for the Disney crud like Hannah Montana. I'll watch it over that, no problem.
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