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  • I just have to install some software on my laptop. I've got an integrated webcam, but no software :O. One problem: My computer only will let me install .exe (aka executable files) to run. Which might be hard, but I'll look. It might be cool to see me. My avatar looks better than me XD. I'll put it this way: I have nice hair, but it's a mess until my mom combs it and stuff. And she'll never do it just to show some forum people. So if and when I get software and do pictures, I'll look shabby. But who cares, I look fine when I'm in public. Sorry for looong VM.
    Oh no, not bad xD. Just sayin'. I would never imagine that would be you...it's mostly, well, I've never heard of 14-year olds watching My Little Pony...I'm not going to go off about it, of course, but...yeah.
    Hmm, just looked through your album of Me~. I gotta put up some pictures...but I don't like transferring camera pictures to my laptop...we'll see...wow. I somewhat can't believe that Pinkie Pie being cute as your avatar is the same person as...you. Oh, yeah, which pictures are you? Lots of different pics there.
    I'll put up the Eevee, now that I'm motivated to put it up :D Check the thread in 5 minutes or so.
    Hi. Apparently you aren't in the ASB D: I was going to battle you...oh well. I've decided I am in fact going to run a separate banner shop. I know enough about GIMP by now. Isn't that great :D And about your sprite request. I got the Eevee, but I don't have a good palette for albino color D: And I would go on Google Images, but my family's gonna find it weird that I have a pic of an albino on my laptop :/ So yeah. The Eevee is done though. I just haven't put it up.
    Nope. There should be a post torwards the end...you'll have to search. It isn't certain that I'll do it, though. It depends on how good I get with GIMP and gradients and stuff. Check Zoltea's and my conversation, and it might become evident.
    Good. Zoltea gave me a banner, now I think I might to banners in my sprite shop, and stuff. Stop by sometime. I'll give you cookies! (ripoff of someone who I forget :|)
    Hi LiLiJANA! Hi, the shop is doing well...like, busy. I'm poking the mods (Applejack) to approve my HTML sig. Just saying hai.
    Already been and gone. I actually have to go to bed, after I say goodnight to silvy...er, Silver.

    ( How did you find out that Silver calls me Bladey?)
    Haha. So, now we must wait for Twilight to come get drugged up, then watch her after the party. This'll be fun. :sunglasses:
    heck yeah! we must get Blade to come to the spiked party *sprays drugs in air for Silver to inhale and get high again*
    I wondered when you would do that.

    I was gonna but I kept thinking 'We are friends right? What if she really hates me?'
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