A little tip for you, never do powerful hallucinogenics and go to the supermarket, because you stand out. You may not think you do, but you do. I thought I was just shopping, but apparently I was stroking the aubergines for four and a half hours. "Ha, my little beauties!" "NEEEEEEOWWW-duggaduggaduggaNEEEEEEOWWW-duggaduggadugga" "Quick get some peas as a hostage" "Ohhh he's got a carrot" "Get away from the carrot" "Drop the carrot" "Stop" "Wahey" "Whooo". Just four and a half hours, like that. Then the manager came over and said "Excuse me, we're closing," and I went "Look, what do you think, STARFISH!, new Gladiators character, STARFISH!", and er, he just got security.
Now shopping I find very stressful. I was buying binliners the other day and they said "suitable for most dustbins". Well, what kind of dustbins is it NOT suitable for? Long, thin ones like a pipe? Big wide ones made of jelly? Big jelly ones wibbling about like jelly on a plate, wibble wobble wibble wobble, jelly on a plate like that, on the back of a giant pig?! And then I realised, I was saying all this out loud, and had attracted a small crowd. So I ran off up the park to be with my mates, the squirrels. Cos I dunno if you know, but squirrels- big dopeheads. Oh yeah. When you see a squirrel in the park and think he's nibbling a nut, no, he's actually rolling a little joint, like that. Cos when you see him he gets all paranoid, start quivering- "ohhhhhh he's rumbled us lads, up the trees, UP THE TREES!!!" *ZWFOOM*