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Lord Shyguy
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  • Talk Like A Pirate Day, y'mean?

    First of all, I'm a Pastafarian, and second of all Talk Like A Pirate Day is an awesome thing everyone should know of.
    Hm, I coulda swore I already said you could...Well go on and post in the alley as if you've been hiding there. ^^
    Well, then maybe you should PM KQueen so she can invite you. :3

    Haha, Pyrite will never have a blessing.
    Okay, done with Pirates because Xhan's about to be blessed by an Altaria in the RSP. I think it's an Altaria, anyway.

    If you don't know the plot, then look in the plot section on the lounge. The Dragon Quest. *Wink*
    Um.... Yar? Oh, wait... Um, matey.

    *Gets drunk* Go and... Shwap the shlep... Deck... Shwap the deck... *Blacks out*
    :3 Okaaaay.

    BTW, where have you been at school?

    Also, HG, SS stuff on Serebii. Have you looked? It's awesome.
    Hi thar :o

    I don't know if you knew, but I've taken this. Just letting you know *late, I should've thought of this earlierrrrr*
    School trip :3
    I really don't have the patience for learning a foreign language. And yet I spent 5 years learning French and four learning German. Oh well.
    Heeey, Yeah, I've got three youtube videos up! :3 They're REALLY retarded, but funny. Not for you, thouhg. :p I demand begging.
    Some Firefox add-on I downloaded :3

    I don't HAVE a Russian accent. But I can put one on very well indeed :D
    (I also intended to learn some Russian cos I'm going there in February but I took one look at the alphabet and realised I couldn't spell my name with it, so I gave up in disgust.)
    Если только Вы могли бы услышать мой российский акцент. D:
    I said I'm NOT too fond of Prehistory or Future xD

    Ah, there's your problem; CAMEOCAMEOINEEDACAMEO isn't a word. :3
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