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Lord Shyguy
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  • Aw, thanks =) I don't like them much but then in my experience few artists hold their own art in very high regard.

    I should draw moar.
    Yes, by 2025, e-environmentalists project that there will be an area of forest barely the size of Facebook left unless we act now.

    Riboflavin IS good, yes.
    ...what is it exactly? xD
    S'fine ^^

    Yeah, all other webcomics go around cutting down Internet trees to make pixels for every issue. But not me.

    Did you know every year we lose an area of the Pixel Rainforest the size of YouTube?!
    I'm gonna get Super Mario RPG and then try and leave it at that for a little while. Next week I'll be at my nan's without the Internet though, so I can use my evenings to plough through unfinished games :D

    I also want to make a list of my dozens of half finished games just so I can facepalm myself.
    I've not, actually. I'll probably get it one day but right now I'm desperately trying to stop myself buying hundreds of new games... still about a dozen I bought as far back as December that I've yet to finish o.o
    I forget, and I'm too lazy to find out :3

    Ha, I just finished it for the first time today. I laughed at that too XD I think Ayla says something quite dodgy when you first meet her too. I think she inspects Crono and then Lucca and says something that ends with something along the lines of "man, woman, both good!". [/fail memory] Eh, I'll find out what it was exactly when I get to 65,000,000BC in my New Game+.

    Sucks that Frog turned back into Glenn in the end.
    Everyone does :3 *fails at modesty*
    I expect you particularly liked the "THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS SANTA CLAUS" joke? xD (Well everyone else goes on to say that after complimenting the comic :3)

    Ooh, didn't you once have an avatar of Ayla from Chrono Trigger? Cos we can talk about Chrono Trigger too~
    Okay, well the character that will bring you to the RSP is an Electrike named Myanmana. Oh-one more thing, make a sig. move ASB style for yor character and pm it to Negrek for her to revise it. It's a part of the story okay?

    I'll send you another comment when you may start posting.
    You join when it most convenient. If you want you can join as soon as one of my minor characters joins as well. We can say he found you and brought you to them.
    Just noticed I accepted your friend request ages and ages ago and we haven't spoken at all yet :o

    A friend plaugurized a story I wrote. It makes me furious.
    Seriously, talking to me will just end with both of us being angry. Go away.
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