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LuckyLapras' Duck

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  • Yep! I'm already at Mt. Moon, but I'm really sick atm so can't really do much.

    Also just found a randomiser code for SoulSilver; don't have the ROM though and I'm not sure if it works on any of the DeSmuME roms I have right now.
    I seemed to have completely missed that.

    The Gym looked like a rip-off of Bugsy's.
    Imma do a poison monolocke of FireRed. Coming to stores near you in a few weeks at most?
    omg nuzlocke update

    but I lost the save
    maybe later I'll try an Emerald one?
    Happy new year!

    Although I don't think a big disco ball thing falling from the sky in Times Square is what Pope Gregory had in mind when he made the Gregorian calendar.
    Oh thanks, Merry Christmas to you too!
    Oh well. it's okay! Have you found the secret link?
    Oh thanks! I found the Secret Link a couple months ago, but I just put it in my signature last night
    Alright :3

    I think i'm gonna logout now. Tummy hurts and I might wanna get ready for bed. Although i'm kinda still scared a bit that I might....die in my sleep *COUGH* well I can always pull an all nighter playing my ds, I guess? XD;

    Goodnight!...Cya later today!!!.....if i'm not needing to spend all of it sleeping after pulling a bloody all nighter. XD; *waves* XD;
    ....It does look like an Emolga XD Maybe an Emolga crossed with a Pichu?
    ....so cute. Maybe i'll make Emolga my profile pict sometime x)
    Isn't my new avatar cute and lovely?
    Thats Kuromi from Onegai My-Melody XD That anime's by Hello Kitty's creators, Sanrio!!^^
    Good XD Then I guess it'd be well worth the cash we payed for it x3; Which is 15 bucks...o-o; only 15 bucks. good deal XD
    ...Bwah. Bwahahahahaha XD Thats even better than my orrigional thought that it was JUST A SHORT PART OF THE GAME!!!...omg. XD I'm going to love this video game to death now XD Thanks a ton...XDDDD
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