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  • By which I mean carrying a target further, not necessarily doing more damage.
    If I have Pepper use Gust at the same time as Wheelbarrow Dumpling uses Blizzard (aimed at one target), can I get, like... a very strong wind storm thing?
    oh yeah I have commands to post...

    How do you ref +/- speed? And what do you do about speed ties?
    είμαι ο Απóλλο Τζάστης, και είμαι εντάξει!

    Well, Lysandre (presumably) killed himself, if that counts.
    ASB Leaderboard
    3. Eifie (4)
    4. Metallica Fanboy (4)



    Lysandre was an aspiring genocidal. Godot's not quite on his level.
    "It's also as good a time as any to point out that in the original jp "Sunny Day" is something along the lines of "Clear Day","

    nah it's worse than that it is japanese clear weather
    σου πήρα!

    There's some game or another on Steam with an achievement that references that catchphrase. Seems like a weirdly obscure thing to reference.

    Also this is a thing.

    That twist was so amazing it nearly made up for Bobby Fulbright replacing Gumshoe. Nearly.
    Frankly all of JFA is just super meh aside from the final case, imo. And playing an Ace Attorney game in another language is something I've always wanted to do but I really don't have the patience to get fluent enough at anything to play through a whole video game in it. Plus the only language choices on any of the carts I have are French and German iirc, and I'm pretty much just all about Greek these days.

    I've beaten all the main cases in DD, yeah.
    I really need to get on with my re-re-re-replaythrough of Ace Attorney. I've only got through the first game so far, that was months ago, and I've promised myself I won't play the DLC case of Dual Destinies until I've finished the rest.

    I think it's probably the fact that I have to play through JFA now before I can move on to the rest that's dissuading me.
    True. Maybe I'll at least buy back Quercus at some point, then.

    (Did that battle even get finished? I can't even remember.)
    Could happen, but I'm sticking with Dark Soulsmon and Bastionmon for the time being. I'm kinda planning to try not to build up a ludicrously huge team and never use any of it again this time round, too.
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