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  • "(doh blastoise ninja'd)"

    Pff. :P It's still nice to discuss interpretations with the other judges, but it's not exactly necessary either.
    It's totes secret. What how do you know of it

    It's really just a place for us to discuss who should be the head judge, how we should interpret the appeals, and so on. (read: a facility where we plot to destroy the world)
    Focus Punch: 20 (27)/7; Hydro Pump: 13 (20)/10; Brick Break: 10 (17)/6; Thunderbolt: 10 (17)/5.

    If you didn't know already, I have a calculator for participants' use.
    Not great, but then it turned out the thread didn't get bumped due to server fail, so not many people likely noticed.

    Yes, they do.
    Great! I'm just going to handle the first one to try and iron out any issues that might become apparent as the battle goes on. Certainly I hope other people are willing to take on some others...

    Not especially. It's just a normal battle with a slightly increased monetary prize, and doesn't take up a battle slot.
    Ordinarily they would just accept it in the challenge board, though if someone wanted to prearrange something with a referee instead, that would be fine as well.
    Could lick itself be used in tandem with a command of eating things, or would eating things have to take a whole action by itself?

    Is Taxxon large enough to eat the oversized crab claw that might possibly (:D?) be summoned with crabhammer?
    Could crabhammer be used purely to conjure up a delicious crab claw?

    What if the pokemon using it had no real limbs, like Visser Three or Malice? What about by Taxxon?

    Yeah, I figured; just wanted make sure though.
    "The user strikes the foe with a large crab claw."

    If crabhammer is used by a non-crab or a pokemon without necessary limbs, could a crab claw suddenly appear from nowhere to whack something :D?

    Are you going to be the head judge for Magma Storm?
    Stop making my complaints invalid. D<

    Although I don't know how well that'd fly... I mean it's /Ally/ Switch. Not really sure if the audience really counts as an ally... Or hm do I happen to be in the audience...? Augh, idk. Don't wanna think at the moment.
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