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  • Of course it is. You're not really on tcod right now. I'm not really your friend you know so well.

    I'm Dhim. >8]
    and there are periodical musical numbers released by the cast

    But it's okay! You can believe whatever you want (at least until the sequel) because the ending was oppennnnn toooo interpretatiooonnn!
    THERE'S A WHOLE THREE SEASONS goooodbye freetime

    I personally think he actually did all the stuff in the movie, but that was a glimpse into his inner 'Billy', since he was being all DOCTOR HORRIBLE at that point and pretending nothing was wrong.
    It's... awkward D:

    dude who has the same personality as me and is 10 times awesomer but then we lost contact when I was banned from PokeBeach. :C
    It's from this site call Pokemon Fusion. You choose two pokemon and it makes a crappy fusion of them.

    Haha, my "brother" has the same problem.
    For some reason I'm fucking antisocial irl but kind of explode online. Dunno why.

    Well, feel better. I'm almost always on tcod so you can talk to me.
    Why the sudden self-esteem issues? Is it because of the move?

    Either way, know you're a great person. We're in the 21st century, full of dickheads who can't see the good in everyone. Thankfully there's tcod.
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