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  • That's what I feel like sometimes :/ you're really not though. You're one of the greatest and most amazing people I know. You've got a great sense of humor, you're always there, and you're just generally amazing. If they're not replying to you, it could be they're busy. If they're dicks then so be it. They're not good enough for you. Typh and I are always here for you, as are the rest of tcod. You're not a burden. It's all those people making you feel that way that are.
    Wost mistake ever..? Oh man, I wish I could help you out after hearing that.

    Seriously I have this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I'm guessing it's really bad, but please pull through.
    a doip doip

    I have it on the 9th of September, cause I left school so late. (NYANYA--haha no iirc you had like four months off? 2 months and nine days exactly does not make up for it :C)

    fffff I really should stop writing crack with Kat but it is fun oh god. Typh why are you not a normal person, there are mountains and shit outside and they look cool go climb them instead of sitting on your ass and drinking tea all day :(
    Tu papa? ...kekeke :3c

    Well, is it? It seems to have caught on by now, oh god D:< *aggravation very noticeable in his voice*

    ( Even when it is('nt)?
    <3 imma gusssss

    I know but Mercy-daddy = va-ja-jay and moostache awesomeface



    Never ever ever D: I build muscles and he gets a free ride, it's all good.

    He gets very cranky at 4 in the morning but the key words here are 'four and 'in the fucking morning'. Family was par-taying really hard in the yard (I was inside watching "Up" and a bit of "WALL-E" ) and my parents...well, didn't check the time. At least my ma had a good time! C: (But it's a little scary to see her buzzed, she's so sillyyyyy who are you :( )

    gdi why must I type so long

    I knew it, your natural charisma and amazing hair lulled them in C:
    Hopefully I'll see him tomorrow. He is very fond of using me as his personal Typh-mobile (read: little boy why are you clinging on my ba--okay fine I'll pretend to be an airplane just this once)

    o: This good news!
    My sniffer got booped by a tiny little Mercy-pup o:

    You need to say that to dogs? I do it to my little four year old cousin. "JADEN, I BOOPED YOUR NOSE JUST NOW. LET'S GO GET MORE ROCKS, KAY?"
    I think I have found the perfect metaphor for our relationship (also because this is so damn cute i don't even--)

    I am the German Shepard, and you are the little doggy C:
    IN OTHER AWESOME OLD MEN NEWS I think my official mental!grump-voice is Mr. Fredricksen. Is this good or bad? D:

    ((But it was a pretty bitchin' chan D: relatively tame compared to everything else. Sure it wasn't a hugbox like dA but people there were brooos. So the whole thing's got me scratching my head (and holding it. there's a script in FF to disable the flashing lights and weird ass music, which I never got per say but I did listen to it and it was cool. But before that, my head hurt a teeny bit)
    is not loser! O: Try, bb, tryyy~


    ((well it was more like

    >>chan gets into drama and puts up face-melting .gif
    >>gives people actual seizures
    >>mods are cocks about it
    >>people that drew good stuff are leaving
    >>??? /tilts head in confusion and kinda "D:" about the justified leaing of good arteests/writepeople

    but then again this is a chan so
    Shawn's imitation was pretty uncanny voice wise, for serious.

    But if they're old!Shawn and Gus, does this mean Gus is a gun nut later? Lassie rubbed off? o:

    in non-Psych news, gdi that's the last time I enable quicktime on a chan, hnnnnn.

    seizures, seizures everywhere
    That was the coolest old man bromance I've ever seen, no doubt. I want that straw hat C:

    I was more ">.<" when he got himself hit, but had the biggest grin on my face a little beforehand. Go Jules~
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