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  • hohum. I hate alcohol but :B

    welp, I used to smoke cannabis but that was over a year ago. I am sort of a pyro so I try to burn things when I can. it's not so much that there is a lot of things I do, but a lot of things I want to do and would probably get arrested for. :x
    hehe. I am quite "innocent" myself and rarely get in trouble at school, except when it comes to being late for class or my hair :X
    they tell you to get a haircut, and if you do not get one by the next school day, they suspend you until you get a haircut. afaict.
    you cannot wear clothing or jewelry that promotes "non-traditional" religions or occult symbols, boys cannot have piercings, boys' hair must be above the eyebrow, cannot touch the collar, and must be above the ear (which I never follow anyway), no unnatural hair colors ... stuff like that.
    it is highly conservative, especially when it comes to dress code. plus nearly everyone is obnoxiously christian.
    though really I bet a lot would remember you!

    yes yes "keep austin weird", I hear that all the time. :P
    well everyone except furii and AK can be found there, but I haven't seen tailsy in a while. also keta just comes on occasionally.

    that's good though! :>
    well we're all grown up and bitchy now. all I do is just private message people in the channel anyway :B you should go ahead and stay in there 24/7 like I do

    well austin is fairly liberal. lubbock is one of the most conservative cities in the country, apparently.
    I am always in #tcod on irc and opal is currently staying at surskitty's. and they've done it before. we've always talked about a #tcodcon. seriously I hate so many people I know irl so it'd be awesome.

    well that, and also I just don't fit in texas. I'm too liberal and secular and I love rainy weather too much and :X idk
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