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  • it'd be neat if we went to the same college

    though honestly I kinda want out of texas, but I guess I can handle going to college here.
    I drive an automatic :B

    ouch. I don't know if I'd be able to stand that, to be honest.
    wait so I totally could have seen you what the fuck. yeah it was my first time.

    that sounds terrible, where did you live again?
    I drove from amarillo to lubbock the day before yesterday for the first time, I was surprised that I didn't freak out.

    yeahhhhh I don't like bowling, so. the only thing to do here is going to the mall and the mall ~sucks~
    I'd imagine. I mean, I just have this thing with big cities where I hate driving in them so I can't imagine living in one. but whatev. austin has cool stuff. lubbock doesn't. :<
    heh, I was about to pm you.

    yeah, I mean it's possible. really I might just end up going to tech since I'm not exactly wealthy and I could cut costs by living at home but I want to leave lubbock...

    (by the way, do you have a facebook? I try to add tcod people that don't suck o3o)
    oh, my brother's an hour away from there! 8D

    uh. free time at a game design class. 8D people from neuroscience and something else are in here too. mainly because we get an hour for lunch and stuff.
    ah. the attention?

    xD did y'all see any uh-mah famerlins? UH-HUH-HUH

    (no seriously i hate it here)
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