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  • Ohhhh. Derp.

    I'd flinch and stutter and be generally ladyballess.

    It's for a specific state, so don't worry. Mine, to be exact. But argggh, I know I screwed things up major.
    i just can't do that... it'd probably get yelled at, since my mom is a huge drama queen and...

    my dad and i are just pissed at each other when i don't get it and we start yelling at each other D:
    Yeah. Who was it said to, again?

    Typh isn't affectionate, but she takes too many things personally. Except other people. what. Damnit.

    Although I am surprised that I could keep a straight face doing that.

    I know my ASK scroes are low. Goodby, good high school D:
    ...I'm not sure whether to be amused or "D:" faced.

    Basically when I saw him (and let it be known I rarely coddle him, maybe the occasional run-hand-through-smooth-like-buddah-hair thing) I was all like:

    "Hey Chris?"


    "..*fiddles with his cheeks* Okay, I'm done."

    "All righty then o:"

    I'm too terrified. My parents rarely hide anything..but sometimes they put it off until later, like when dad passed.

    Ow'd you do?

    ...there is this contrast (a very strong one) when looking at your usertitle then your signature. I can't tell if it's good or bad--*shot*

    Good news: PiC all happy-go-lucky today and his haircut's cute. Like, absolutely adorible. I like his shag!head and all, but awww. And not hurt from what I can see.

    Bad news: ...I think something's up with my sick uncle no one's telling me. ;-; And I keep misplacing things so cue embarresment.
    no cause then my parents would know something's up.

    ...i need a serious change of attitude. if only... i... just... i want my old self back.
    i can't. that's the problem. sometimes even I don't know what i'm going to do next. it could be suicide, i cold be my same old happy-go-lucky self, or... :/

    i mean, i have to knock myself out to go to sleep from all the stress on my mind.
    i tried to kill myself with a knife to the heart once...

    my parents found out and grounded me D:

    god... i'm such a fucktard. it's... it's like every fucking negative emotion, every fucking mental disease is all crammed into me. i just can't take it.
    i'm going through a hard period in my life. it's just.. stress from school and parents and family and death and my stupid stupid retarded brain it just... argh.
    i would dance but i suck at life and when i'm depressed i suck even more.

    ...topic change nao? B|
    such as? i'm an unstable person, mercy. god knows what i could do with a more powerful weapon, like a gun. hell, if it wasn't for people like you and typh and all my friends and family, i would probably be dead by now.
    yeah... it's for my own good i sleep with the door closed, since i'd probably sneak away and/or kill myself in the night.
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