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  • Fandom buddies are awesome.

    x33 I did that once too. To be more accurate, one of the guys asked why we call them 'the girls' I'm pretty sure it would be awkward to have 'guys' hanging off of you, correct? o:
    I usually turn them up until my ears hurt because their music is so awesome. I would recommend listening to Falling Down and Slow Burn.
    But I get a lot of flak for being a nerd. fuck them and all, but...I never felt comfortable squeeing over things when I'm not with fandom buddies. (You count, by the way.)

    Aww. D: I think that whole "guys are amsuing and we have the same sense of humor" (case in point: while I may be possibly slightly less annoying than some girls, I got into a sort of contest. you know how guys name their schlongs? They asked me if ladies name their ladyparts. I didn't know, so we doled out names to see whoich is more amusing. I won with "The Make-a-Wish Foundation.") is why I hang out with dudes so often. Even though I should be in the stage where I am torn between "ewwww men are perverts must abolish" and "ong wat a hunk!!!!111!!!lol"
    I like punk, heavy/metal, slow rock (i.e. Boulevard of Broken Dreams), and some country. My top three bands would have to be:

    3)Red Hot Chili Peppers
    From deadpan and mostly collected, kinda boring but respectful to...a raging fangirl D|

    I live with mum and nana so. We're really close and I always though that if Mom ever remarried I'd be slightly wary, but hey. It's what makes her happy, and I just can't explain how awesome it is to see Mom laugh.
    olololol i always pictured you as the red-headed one :B

    make it something green day-related 8D;
    Yes, but I don't interact with anything. Typh is just kinda..there. I should, but I'm..huh. it's not that I'm afraid of rejection, it's happened a lot already peer-wise (education-wise I do get mopey, but) it's just that when I try to explain something I know a lot about, my whole demeanor changes and I hate it.

    I'd be all *hates world* OTL

    (also, not to intrude or anything but. What's it like having both parents? My mom and dad were divorced before I was born and he's gone now, so. I turned out all right, I guess. At least better than some kids my age. Nan filled in the dad role or something.)
    squick is a funny word :D

    squick squick squick

    please don't squick on the carpet!

    ohnoes there's a squid squicked onto my face D:
    You're the only Mercy I know, lolwut?

    ...unless you count someone with the last name Mercedes, but she's a bitch, so. And I think there's an 8th grader that has the name, but I don't exactly interact with any 8th graders/anyone outside the class. I'd be too depressed by the dumb.
    At school' I'm known for being all robotic and boring and shizz. Which, frankly, I kinda am. Apparently this is a free pass for insults and unallowed hugging >:(

    I'd be okay if you did it I guess. I know a Mercy, I know she'd (probably) wouldn't run screaming from me.
    my parents have both been divorced once. :x then they married each other.

    you know, now the idea of divorce no longer sounds so bad.
    i have a memory from second garden where i told my mom my worst nightmare was my parents getting divorced.

    just gawd there's so much fucked up in my shit heaven of a life.
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