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  • i haven't changed clothes from yesterday since i tend to sleep in shorts/jeans, and i'm probably not getting out today.
    I know. \: Once one of my friends who I always sit by on the bus screamed at some kids who were picking on the autistic kid that went to our elementary school (since near everyone on pour bus did) to stfu because they were being huge jerks. Made me happy.

    I don't like being called sweet. :s
    Like, they can't even help it. If you were tormented for something about you can't change, would you like it?

    My friends are awesome. They stand up for me and stuff.

    Sweetpants? ;;
    I don't mind if people pick on me, since most people hate me anyways, but it really makes me mad if someone insults a mentally handicapped person. :|
    Yeah. D:

    *sees someone walking towards me*

    *realizes it's Mercy*

    *realizes it's an angry Mercy*

    *realizes it's an angry Mercy with /a knife/ oh fuck*


    She, like, dropped off the face of the earth a last year. D:


    (mercy's got a boy- *SHOT*
    Her name was GoRockQuadsGiratina. She was like a lady!Green.

    Oh? Who?

    also lol one guy who i keep in touch with even after being banned from PB once asked in this conversation that we were spamming up my fanfic with butted in and was like "Are you guys hooking up on Pokebeach?!"
    My first forum was when I was on PokeBeach. I was 11. :p I spent all my time in the Game Corner forum and the card trading section. The trade council (trading mods) kept telling me I needed a rep thread and not until one PM'd me on it did I listen. Then I randomly asked him to be my friend.

    Oh yeah, and I met my soul mate. Or so we are/were convinced.
    visitor message.

    i invited my ex to join once. she never even made a hello thread and left. 8P
    I saw someone named Cheetah and i saw a vm from you that said 'hi, sis' and well.

    ...i like to go dig up old members.
    well, her name is cheetah. :]

    i'm thinking a blue scarf for the mane, blue hair... but what could I use for the head-crest?
    >>; of course they're only high school. :|

    in other news, i randomly feel like doing a shiny suicune gijinka cosplay. :o
    I've never liked strictness, but I know it's good for me and since I'm pretty much "FUCK YOU" to my parents I need to be whipped into shape. :x
    What exactly is boarding school, anyway? Is it like boot camp? I've always wanted to go to boot camp.
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