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  • The black one's more straight-backed and black, so. c:

    ...thanks for the mental image. e.o
    DD: That's why I'll buy my own drinks after using the bathroom, who knows what they slipped in there :| Mom wants to drive to get around, and she says as asoon as she learns how and I get really drunk, I call her/a taxi. Nice to know my family (did I mention I have an awesome oldrr cousin/btrother figure? c:) is teaching me how to drink~

    (No, but I do have a reenactment sword.
    No seriously. I don't know where it is, but a much older cousin hadf one, retired from it, and gave it to Nana. 8D win y/y/y?

    *crosses arms and does that little glare thing he does* No. And you can't convince me.)
    I see!

    Yes. And then they hit you with something big and you're all like ";-; *fetal*"

    (With teeny holdster y/y? I love mine! D8 They're all *sproing*

    Of course we have, Spencer D:<)
    But tickling scares/unnerves you! Therefore, I should not do eet o:

    I don't know many who have the guts to say anything like that. personally, I'm okay with anything. I guess that's why people dump problems on m? i don't mind but...I have to stop being affected. I'm working on it.

    (Actually, they're more like LassieHairs, color-wise (and when I was little and had short hairs, I prolly could have pulled off the fawkhawk! 8D) Your hairs are like LadyShawnHairs <3 they be only really noticable when my hair's freshly washed. And not bangs, but more like, uh...short pieces of hair on the sides of my forehead? idk D:)
    Or I'd be all "D:< rawr! *chase*" because I do that a lot to friends.

    yes, but what if he/she holds your hands and legs down? D8 (it's destressing how a girl in class is all "Women can't rape men!" Whaaaat, do you knwo the definition of rape or...?)

    Waifuuuu *glom*

    (TyphHairs is straight! I got it from daddy (which is ironic, because Daddy was mostly bald in the top part) and if you saw me and mom, you might not be abel to tell cause her hair is crazy poodle light browns stuffs, and mine is long straight-with-a-little-curly-bangs-in-the-front dark chocolate brown/black stuffs.)
    It's a Dysfunction Junction here.

    That's actually very nice to hear. :3 If you ever met me/if you were a bit more mean-spirited, you'd probably call me a momma's girl. The least I could do is teach her English, and realy, that's the only thing her confidence wavers, and even then.

    I know. Just...being taken advantage of like that and knowing you can't fight back (mianly because I am a weakling and hate being touched, so combine these two?*shudder*) I just...

    Awww D: How waifu sad? TYPH HELP

    (also, I think I'm donating to Locks of Love again. I'm not sure they're in the area, but my hair's grown really long, so it's a good idea to do it again.)
    I seem to be the only one with a relatively healthy childhood. Or so some kids say.

    ...considering my childhood was made up of two people dying suddenly, people I really love, and my mom (despite it being her CMoA, in which I can actually say she kicked cancer's ass in six months, when it should take at least a year) was close. Terrifying because they all died/got cancer, so "what does that mean for me?" was a common question, and then the constant anxety and fear of people leaving and that stupid 'hero' complex that still gets me today.

    ...but I didn't get raped, or stabbed, or saw my brother die. Things are good now, but one kid's cousin is in a coma and not connected to anything, and another's probably still being molested, and then there's my PiC and the hitting (also respect to him for either taking them for his little sister/brother so they don't get hurt, or still finding a way to take the little girl to school.)

    Even if they're all annoying twats (PiC much less so,and when he is it's more of a 'you little rascal' tpe of tawtiness, but hnnngg stop being awesome and help your math-dumb friend out once in a while >:( math is awesome but I am bad a sudoku, helllp) I...I feel slightly depressed. Fortunately, Psych and sorta-dancing around to Touhou helps immensively.

    That's beautiful ;w;

    also I had another sorta breakdoqwn after forgetting stuff. Again. Mom helped. I'm better now. Just If you wonder why I wasn't on (okay, actually I was mostly sleeping, then I had the breakdown.)
    Ooh, arms training. Sounds fun. I once beat one of the best kids at school in an arm wrestle. xP
    I know how it works. :x I remember when that hurt me.

    ...then my dad started taking me to the gym.
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