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  • only i told them i did to be cool and they said i shouldn't be hanging around people like that.
    I'm not allowed on TCoD no more! :c Or Facebook, or any social networking site for that matter.

    ...all 'cause of my cuts.
    Ninety percent chance of living is still pretty high for cancer, right?
    Well, she made it through that. In the six months it took, as soon as she could, she took me to school. When she could have easily asked her (albeit aging, nan can do a lot at 84. And at the time Nan did take me to school normally.) mother to do so. While having this horrible prickly feeling all over her body as a side effect that made it impossible to touch anything without stinging pain.

    See, at my age most kids hate their parents for not letting them out on the town with their bee-eff-effs or talk online with guys they'd never met (mom does the last one, okay. Might have something to do with the meltdown I had a few years back after I thought some guy was cyber-stalking me.) but after that? How could I hate her, even dislike her? Even if she sometimes yells at me for being a bitlazy and having really shitty handwriting sometimes, I don't talk back because I remeber what she does.

    ffff why is it when people ask me really simple questions i go on a tanget
    ...weenus souns like pe-*shot*

    On the subject of Beserk Buttons, I usually don't have one. Except if a) I'm ever pushed way too far (and even then I usually tell the teachers and if they tug the kid out of class, then I releash hell. I've only done that a day or so after dad passed and a week after a friend of mine did too and sone kids said I was getting facefucked by some boy x:)

    but mostly b) when my PiC is pushed too far, cries and curls up into a ball. I control myself, but if they continue to bother them? A grab on the wrist and slightly forceful tug all the way to the end of the street. When they are unwilling. I may nort look it but when I'm angry, I can pull people over tables if both of us are playing tug-of-war with this tape roll.

    ...Yeah, I get protective of him, ever since I found out and before that too. My mum said, in all seriousness, that if he gets abused way too much, she'll adpot him. Into our tiny tiny place. gmh? o:
    Uh. I took my first year of violin this year, and I occasionally do what you do with the piano. :x

    I'm also probably going to do acoustic guitar later.
    Why aren't I getting out today? Because it rained here. :x I usually go ride my bike around the neighborhood for a few hours a day. That and a very high metabolism make it so I can safely overeat. xD

    that's fine tbh.
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