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  • oic

    Haha. x3; Once my Sunday School teacher was like "How old are you?" "12." "What!? I thought you were 15!"
    Show her the website, then. Typh gets a rash around her chest and stuff when she gets too emotional (it goes both ways, saddness and happiness.) And i'll show her this, so o:

    I was at the mall the other day when I saw an old couple sitting together. The man looked over at the woman and said,

    "Jane, we did it. We grew old together."

    The look in her eyes GMH.

    My little 8 year old sister has leukemia. Today I visited her in hospital and she said to me

    "Ellie, I know I'm going to die. But I know that I'm going to be coming back as a kitten. So after I'm gone and when a kitten comes to your door. It will be me. I will always love you. Even when I'll be a cat".

    Her beautiful words GMH.

    K-k-kitty ;-;
    What "brother"?

    Also i tend to get stuff like "You're only 12?" all the time. |D Mainly cause I sound like Schwarzenegger only American.
    Like... like your sitting on my arm with my..forearm wrapped round your leg. Like I hold my rl niece.
    Today, I was in a bus station saying goodbye to my girlfriend.

    Me, being a lesbian, kissed her and hugged her for a long time. After she got on the bus, a little boy comes up to me and hugs me. He said, "My mommy doesn't like people like you, but I do because you're really pretty."

    This little kid GMH

    Today, my friend told her father she was gay.

    He turned and left silently, and she cried, thinking he wouldn't accept her. About an hour later, he came back with a gay pride flag and a stuffed animal dolphin and said, ''Did you know 40% of the dolphin population is gay?''

    Her dad GMH.

    Today i saw this cute old couple walking up a hill.

    The husband looked at the wife and said, "Race you!" They both started running as fast as they could. When the husband realized he was winning, he stopped and pretended to tie his shoe so his wife could win. He even got a kiss for it.

    Love, no matter the age, GMH!

    The other day, I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things.

    While walking through the parking lot, I noticed a man stand on his shopping cart, and give a few good pushes before jumping on. He smiled and laughed the entire way, loving life.

    He was about 50 and wearing a business suit. GMH.

    I am a lesbian in a very small town in Texas.

    Today, an older couple saw me holding hands with my girlfriend and stopped to tell us how beautiful we were together.

    The man said, "Thank you for not being ashamed of who you are and showing that love sees no gender."

    His acceptance GMH.

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