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  • Have you ever cut your face open on the street? No? Then you donn't know how long it takes to heal. c:

    ...i feel all generous inside too. :]
    Go ahead. :3

    ...lololololo xDDD

    *picks up Mercy so she does not cut open her face on the sidewalk*
    Whatever the hell I did, I got cheers are some weird ass necklace tossed at me x3

    Today, I was watching the news when I heard a sad but beautiful story.

    A tornado had went through a mobile home where a mom and her three kids lived. They found the mother over a mattress where her three boys were put under for safety.

    The mother died to save her kids.

    Mothers who are selfless in the last moment of their lives GMH.

    ....;-; Excuse me for a second, I need to hug my mom.
    Once I fell into this tall picture frame in my room and woke up. I was like "wtf just happened to me."
    ..there was hip-thrusting cause I cannot dance at all x3

    I am 15. Today, a 4 year old boy approached me.

    He told me I was the most beautiful "lady" he had ever seen. He then asked me to marry him.

    I said yes and am now wearing a ring pop.

    A little boy's innocence GMH.

    A-aaaaw! :'D
    Uhhh, it depends.

    Wasn't there this year. i danced though.

    D: Why? Tell waifu. (Does it involve GMH? Cause I'm there and I'm totally not crying, lalalala--oh god.)

    On Mothers Day, a man was going to send his mom flowers instead of seeing her.

    While at the store, a little boy was buying his mom flowers.

    On the way back to his house, the man saw the boy in a graveyard, setting down flowers by a tomb. His mom died a year ago.

    Seeing this, the man canceled his delivery and brought them to his mom himself. GMH.
    And these guys from a gardening thing were right there and they didn't bother to help. :I

    When I was little I used to whack my dad in the face at night. :p and i listen to Atreyu and Green Day so I can fall asleep. xD

    i need to know how though. :x
    whaaaaaat. I want to see that more badly than anything srsly.

    I know! D: So much stuff happens to the poor guy. In the new season, too. I don't wanna spoil but ...;-;

    Also oh my god. Best. Festival. Ever. <333
    i've been close to getting run over countless times. :3 and then once i was being stupid by riding handless and standing up and i dislocated my hand and couldn't get up for about 10 minutes. right in the middle of the street too. :/

    So have a dream where you kill them back! >D>
    so we were walking down the street and i tripped and like ripped up my face on the concrete and was just like licking the blood off my face and then you fell too and were all sad. :c

    ...i tend to hurt myself dangerously everyday so. i'll be tumbling on my bike with no hands and standing up going like 50 MPH and then i'll swerve to miss a fire hydrant or not get runover and crash. :D
    not really. C:

    once two of them took my shoes and one came back and threw it at my face. :c then i screamed at everyone.

    speaking of which i had a funky dream last night.
    if i know you well enough (and you were like younger then me) i probably would've asked you out irl by now but w/e

    fff me too :c

    little kids are awesome :D except when like twenty of them gang up on you and start hurting you. :( they friggin' carried me off!
    *stops being antisocial idiot who craves emotion* While we're pretending,want to see my pony? :/

    I said Pepsi in case you didn't like MD 8D

    A couple months ago, my little brother came home from his first day in kindergarten. When I asked him about his class, he said "there's a girl in my class, and she's so pretty!" The girl he was talking about is a bald 5 year old with leukemia. His unconditional love GMH.

    omg <3333333
    yes! cute girls makes me antisocial!

    It's called Aceburg and instead of water it's full of Mountain Dew and Mr. Pibb and I rule it with my family! Yes!

    For once I got emotional reading it.

    ...i don't like showing my emotions. loners don't show emotion. ;;
    it was an impulse of shyness! yes!

    nuuuu! you stole m'quote D:

    welcome to my awesome world :D
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