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  • Now Cortz has a legitimate reason to call Lassie that.

    Shawn/Lassie/Jack and McNab/hiswife/Lassie? Psh. Lassie's such a ladies' man.

    If Al was holding him, he wouldn't notice anyways, cause of the whole metal skin thing. Although someone would be all "Auuggh why do your hands smell like cat piss?"
    possibly related? idk but


    That would so happen. SHAWN/LASSIE/JACK SANDWICH ANYONE?


    Pffft of course he would! :D And if Shawn is ever approached by a 7 foot tall metal suit of armor with a ten-year olds voice enthusiactially asking if he can pet the kitty, the correct response is to smile and nod and not piss yourself :v *shot*
    Mine are neon-blue :v

    ...okay yes, you have to do this. *shot* ANDAND after a while, poor molested!Lassiter would just hide in the big ol' metal suit of armor (Al is convinient for like everything) and Cortz would be all "Batman, what are you doing in there? D:"

    ...yes. Batman. 'His ears are massive, like a fruit bat's,' is something she would think. Rarely say. But definately think. ...Shawn totally gets a name, and since he carries around Litte Boy Cat, it would probably be cat-related. For a not-really-but-close-enough- Engy, she sure has wtf thoughts, and I <3 her for that.

    (also aaa House season finale. I...I actually don't wanna watch it so bad :v The season's been a little weak, and I could always read the gist of it online)
    Okay, okay D: *switches to ridiculous, but ~soft~ converses*

    Dry-humping ftw xDD Nah, considering anything goes except for monkey sex...

    He would flirt with like everything/one, though! 8D Even more than Shawn and that's saying something.

    Also if Lassie ever starts a police force (no one can really die (silly fangirl that head!made this weird-assed city had the common sense to be all 'no, no bishies killing themselves to go back home ):) but hell if there won't be bar brawls and stealings left and right. Oh, and lol cheif!lassie) I have two really odd mental!images:

    -Him and Jack arguing on who leads or something, with Lassie getting all flustery when Jack inetively comes on to him

    -If there aren't many soopahheros/crimefighters in general(someone's prolly gonna jump on the chance to make an OC without the need to get a character from a franchise, and that's pretty okay.), Lass would be all "Uhhhh you you and you, now you're cops oh god i'm gonna regret this D:"

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