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  • Hey, if you are going to make another Mafia game, I suggest you read up on the Mafia wiki on MafiaScum.net
    I works wonders~
    Just answer in normally-coloured text.

    Now I'll be Vriska and you be a troll of your choice. Any troll.
    Nope, the grammar just appeared to be correct and the fact that you know about memes, is quite awesome. I guess I just like English because the material is both interesting and easy to remember.
    TA: hello ii gue22
    TA: ii'm doiing fine
    TA: that face look2 2tupid don't you think
    I'm not an expert in that sort of thing. :P

    Not anyone in particular. I just learned in-depth stuff about it in my psychology class today.

    Okay, well that doesn't sound too bad.
    CT: D --> I'm doing well
    CT: D --> I think I got STRONGER

    ...okay you pick a pair of characters to rp this time
    Odd. Is it like a login thing or just the style switcher?

    Unless they're like paranoid schizophrenics. DX

    Haha, is that a good thing or a bad thing?
    I was sort of a "genius" in the first grade, the school psychologist tested me and I passed his tests with flying colors, I even had to go to the Children's Hospital of Boston to have my intelligence measured. I've declined since then, mostly because of lack of effort, interest and attentiveness. In hindsight, the only thing extraordinary about my "intelligence", is how vividly I can remember material taught in class.
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