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  • I'm inviting the trade now.

    And I don't want Moonlight to be in all caps, please!

    EDIT: Thankyou! See you...Whenever I improve my team!
    Still won't connect! I'll have to use my old DS anyways...
    EDIT: Sound came back! ^.^
    Wait! My sis is letting me use her DS. But, it will delete all friends in my Pal Pad if I do. So...it will take me a couple minutes to regester you again!

    EDIT: Still won't connect! I'll have to use my old DS anyways...
    My sound gave out, I think it's because the charger got water on it, so lets communicate in PM!

    BTW, thatnks for Eevee, mind if I trade it back for a named one? Named Moonlight, please ^.^
    Alrighty, let's battle!

    EDIT: Nice battle, even though I lost! I'm inviting a rematch now, if you'd like, and I'll be in a room away from the computer but there's voice chat! Plus, it will be quieter in there ^.^
    Okkeday, my FC, if you don't already know, is 3995-8327-3665!

    EDIT: My name in my game is MYSTI and it shall be a Lv. 100 double battle!
    I would like to do that, yes. Let me get my [poor] team ready...

    Uh, I need your Wifi ID. Mine's in my sig under Random links.
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