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  • He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard. He is the Angry Nintendo Nerd.

    He'd rather eat the rotten asshole of a roadkill skunk.

    Actually it just occurred to me eventually when "Smooth Criminal" kept playing on the radio.
    The Angry Video Game Nerd. He reviews bad old games and (occasionally good ones) while swearing.

    Just imagine the headlines. "Jackson Struck By A Smooth Criminal".
    (I know it sounds like I'm making a joke but seriously this is the kind of thing I think about)
    I've only ever seen it played by the Angry Video Game Nerd.

    You know if Michael Jackson had been bludgeoned to death by a fugitive he found shaving in his bathroom, that would be incredibly ironic.

    If she buys a Mega Drive and Michael Jackson's Moonwalker, she would be incredibly awesome.

    I shall try :3 Thank you!

    (Also, I only just realized where the "Moonwalker" part of your username is from 0o; I'm slow sometimes.)

    I'm doing okay ^^I'm just still kinda sad about my boyfriend moving and all... I haven't talked to him at all since the 23rd. He promised he would come out on his birthday, the 31st. I'm not mad, but I was rather sad that day :( And his grandpa just died, so I can understand how I slipped through the cracks, and for now he gets the benefit of the doubt, but yeah... But otherwise life is going very well :D

    <3 Okay big sistew ;w;

    And yeah, but that's 'cause we hadn't talked in a little while 'cause of school and all of the stuffs goin' on in your life and such..
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