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  • ya no, i normaly dont like it when other ppl think tht Morty is hawt, but ur awesome so iz let u luvz him too. =3
    I doubt it ^w^ I can't detect any ghosts. (psychic powers ftw!)

    Good night, Moonwalker~ *glomps*
    *glomps harder* ;w; You rock.

    And I could have ~sworn~ that one winked at me, but it could just be me being crazy. Anyway, we have some PLUSHIES TO PUT IN PLACES AND SUCH~
    ;w; Aww <3 Big happy family... I miss my parents sometimes ;w; My mom was a Butterfree and my dad was an Espeon~ I was born in the Day Care center in Goldenrod. I was released 'cause of having bad IVs ;~;

    ANYWAY sob story over! Hello Moonwalker's Fambly :3 Or, uh, I mean, Espe espe? Espe-FREEE~
    :D That's a very good idea! You did get permission from his mom first though, right? Ah, who am I kidding, you wouldn't do something like that without his permission. Let's go meet your mommy! And/or daddy! And/or other guardian! Or whoever!
    Silly Moonwalker, we're already IN Pallet Town :3 I just don't know where your house is.
    Okay! *picks you and the bag of plushies up* Hey, this is lighter than I expected ^w^

    *flies to Pallet Town* Okay, you lead the way~
    Yey! We can get some and then have a whole glompy party at your house! You can still glomp me <3 *purrs*

    ...Where DO you live, anyway? (Within the Pokeworld, I mean)
    *duh duh duh duh DUH♪* All done :D Let's shop! What should we buy? Pokeballs? Potions? Poffins? Something else that starts with the letter P? The possibilities are endless!

    (*turns blue* *glomps harder* >D)
    ^w^ *begins to follow behind you* Oh um hey, Moonwalker, can we stop at the Pokecenter first? All of that flying made me kinda tired ._.

    (*glomps back ^.^*)
    *thunderbolts blimp, as two random grunts yell "Looks like we're blasting off again~"*

    :D Thankies~

    (And you're welcome :3
    The only powerful move that I know is Psychic. My other moves are Tail Whip, Sleep Powder, and Fly :<

    (SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE You are so good at drawing and ;w; aww <3)
    CANDAAAAAAY! *om nom nom*

    *duh duh duh DUH noise plays, followed by a random voice saying Dinru learned Thundershock! But Dinru already knows four moves. Will a move be deleted to make room?*

    WTF ?o?

    (Aww, thankies <3)
    YAY CANDY WHERE IS THE CANDY *zoom zoom zoom*

    (Aww <3 Thank you, but really, I'm not all that great XD And it's not so much the TABLEt that's broken as the COMPUTER (namely the USB ports) (although technically there's another computer I can use, but I can only get onto it when everyone else is asleep D:) But yes! I shall start on it later tonight and it will likely be done by sometime tomorrow :3)
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