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  • Doctor Who is a Brittish show and is the longest running science fiction series ever. It's ran from 1963-1989, 1996 tv movie, and recently restarted in 2005.
    47 years.

    It's about a immortal man who is the last of his species who travels in time and space.

    In truth it's a lot more than that.

    May I suggest casttv.com? Go there, search "doctor who" and there should be a little thing on the top of the search result list for the tv series. click on that, the first episode of the restarted series is called "Rose"
    A lumberjack? Does he have a name or something? :P My kindergarten school-that-went-up-to-12th-grade's mascot was a green and gold falcon. Why does everyone seem to use gold as a school color? D: (Blue and gold for me!) Ooh. Dolphin. Why did they change? DOLPHINS ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN LUMBERJACKS. :D
    Speaking of getting crushed, since my school's mascot is the python, we have a pretty big python model (about 10 feet tall, 6 wide) in the cafeteria, hanging from the ceiling. ABOVE A LUNCH TABLE. It's probably hollow, but still...

    Which part of Disney is your favorite? I like Magic Kingdom and Epcot. Then again, those are the only two parts I've been to more than once... :D
    The person who checks people's bags for bombs and stuff? I've always wondered what they would do if they had a gun or something...:P YES. SHAMU. You know Shamu is like a family name for their killer whales/orcas/whatever? I never knew that until my cousin told me. :P

    Rollercoasters...I haven't actually been on a lot, but they're not bad, I guess. I just get really dizzy easily, so. Which reminds me, did you go on the Journey to Atlantis or whatever it's called with the two big slope things? I forgot if they closed it down or something. :3
    What does he do? ...I just noticed we haven't mentioned SeaWorld in the entire conversation (which isn't that big but that's not the point). Oh well. :D
    Ooh, Universal! Going to the Harry Potter Wizarding World thing or whatever it's called? Apparently the lines are still really long. :O I think I've only been to Universal once, when I was 6 or something. Guessing for Thanksgiving? Disney hotels are really good. :D
    Oh old people. :D Why does everyone seem to retire in Florida? *other random topic* I really feel like going to Disney or Busch Gardens or something since we mentioned Tampa now. :3
    Uhhh...I remembered randomly? :P I live near Tampa Bay (Sarasota, to be more specific). There's so many old people here...NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH OLD PEOPLE. But seriously, old people are awesome.

    I DUNNO >n> <n<


    (kinkitykinkYESIAM though I've been inactive for awhile. YOU WUZ LUCKY I LOGGED ON WIFFIN A DAY OF U POSTIN DAT. wurd.)
    Thanks. ArtMo, huh? Sounds tough. Especially if you're making breath-taking perfect art each day xD At least with NaNo you set how many words a day you wanna write =) I'm going for 100,000 words instead of 50,000 though, so I have a bare minimum that I HAVE to complete if I wanna make it xD
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