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  • Did you really think anybody would permit me to perform such an act on them, least of all a Queen?

    Also, last night, because I am insane, I stayed up until like 5 AM going over our visitor messages. I hate sleeping~ (I also listened to your voice clips over and over again... could you make more? It doesn't matter if they're about S things either, I just want more Welshievoice~) And I couldn't find my GODDAMN CHARGER. UGH! I will find that stupid piece of shit though, I swear I will.

    I'm so angry right now, because my fucking mom is like... trying to get me to go to the beach. And you know I hate leaving my house, especially since I will have NOTHING to do at the beach and will get sunburned unnecessarily. She is making her STUPID threats to take away my laptop again. And not only that, she didn't CARE if I had homework. I said: "Can't go, have homework." She said: "DOESN'T MATTER! DO IT TODAY!" What is she, some kind of idiot? Seriously! I can't do all that homework in ONE DAY! It's so much, I need the whole weekend! (;;Shorts;; What kind of teenager rants about not being able to do homework when their parents are forcing them to go to the beach? Well, honestly, I don't care about the homework part. I'm just using that as an excuse because I want to stay here and talk to you and my friends on my computer, which I find vastly more entertaining than some stupid sundrenched place that will burn the crap out of my skin and has absolutely nothing for me. Arylett is a dork~)

    Sorry, it was a rant. I couldn't talk to you on MSN, so... I had to let it out here. Maybe she'll forget all of her sillythoughts once I tell her about you. I hope. Still don't know how I'm going to go about that though.

    Well anyway, I was going through our visitor messages and... I think we should count them as the time we've known each other for. I believe you sent the first one on September 20th. It's around 6 or 7 months we've known each other then~ It sounds better anyway, when I tell people we're together. But yeah... it amazes me so much how over the months our relationship has changed. It really does...

    I've also seen instances of foreshadowing in our past visitor messages. You said something like... "No girlfriend; too nervous to ask anyone and I'm sure nobody would say yes."

    ...Hee hee hee! You were sure nobody'd say yes~ Well, who am I? Ahahaha~ Yes, those were your exact words a few months ago, in January or something.

    But yeah... long visitor message is long. And rambly. Not sure why~ Crazylett.
    If she says no, however, you can just draw her into a really long and tiring argument until she gets fed up and says "oh, fuck it".
    If she doesn't, you can just give it a hug or something instead.
    It'll make a nice change for it, not being raped for once.
    You know, as in the expression. Meaning "I do not wish to invest any more of my time in this pursuit".
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