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  • But Wikipedia says an I've is:

    A I've is in a general sense an enclosed structure in which some species of honey bees (genus Apis) live and raise their young. Natural I'ves (typically referred to simply as "nests") are naturally-occurring structures occupied by honey bee colonies while domesticated honey bees are kept in man-made beeI'ves in a location known as an apiary; it is these man-made structures that are most typically referred to as "beeI'ves". Only species of the subgenus Apis live in hives and of these only the Western honey bee (Apis mellifera) and the Eastern honey bee (Apis cerana) are kept in domestication.
    So not a beeI've then? What other kinds of I'ves are there other than the I'ves wot bees live in?
    Have you ever noticed that whenever I say "Hush", you say "Puppies", and that whenever anyone says "exactly" to me I always reply "precisely"?
    Good idea~

    Although I'm talking about the people who already know me as my first name. They just... well, I'll try to coerce them into calling me that. ;;Will try not to answer to Angela;;

    Yeah, it seems like one of those old rare names.

    I could... but getting people to actually CALL me that? Now that would be a different story. It's like my first name is... deeply ingrained in their heads. "Hey, call me Arylett." Person: "Okay Angela." Me: "..."
    Arylett Angela (Last name)...? Hmm... that sounds a bit bizarre. But I might keep it in mind, certainly~ Or I could just make Arylett a nickname or something.

    Wow, must be REALLY rare that full name.

    My first name = VERY COMMON. Middle name = PAINFULLY COMMON. Last name = Foreign. So umm... not too common, but not unheard of.
    I suppose~ But it like has sentimental value attached to it. Named after my grandma, my dad's mom. And it would be very wrong of me to change something special like that. That's what I meant by I can't change it.

    Hmm... yeah, I suppose that would be the disadvantage. I once googled my full name and baaaah, I'm not the only one. THEY STOLE IT.
    Neither do I. Maybe you could look it up?

    It certainly is original~ I mean, I'd much rather be Arylett than Angela, but I can't change it. Hrrm.
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