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  • ;;Sees;; Not as crazy as some of what I've had, trust me.

    And yes, it was you. I knew it was you, I had that feeling. It was you. Probably because of your avatar. And no, you weren't Link. You were DRESSED as him. And had a mask. And woudn't show me your face. And were REALLY TALL! for some reason.

    Aaah, just checking~
    ;;Completely forgot about that;;

    ...Umm, I think the dream has left my memory. I can't remember barely anything about it, except that you were in it. And cosplaying as Link. And you wouldn't let me see your real face. And you were wearing a blonde wig made of french fries. And we went on this quest, this really weird quest. And I dunno, stuff happened, and we ended up in Toys R Us (a toy store, if you don't have it where you live) and you told me to hang on a minute. I was looking for a costume, for Halloween. And you were REALLY tall. So I found this moogle costume, which was really weird and girly and pink and I can't explain it, except that it was a sort of "sexy/skimy" version of a costume, really umm... yeah, that. And it had this weird pink frilly thing that puffed up near my chest. (A moogle is a creature from Final Fantasy.) So like I didn't like it, so I left it. And you went over to the cashier in the store and took off your costume. I was watching you, trying to catch you without it on. (You weren't naked though, you had Normal Clothes underneath.) But then somehow my glasses came off and I couldn't find them, everything was blurry. So I /sort of/ saw you without the costume, but it was really blurry. I just remember seeing frizzy curly hair, but really blurry again because I couldn't find my glasses. And I was so frustrated. And I forgot the rest.

    ...Yeah, really weird~ Oh wow, I remembered a lot more than I thought. You probably think I'm crazy now.
    Idea: Why not put in your signature/put as your usertitle "Does Not Post for Postcount"?
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