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  • No! No! I'm sorry... I was just a little frustrated. No really, I'm not mad at you. Don't. I... I still want you in Arylettopia. You are awesomenocity, I can't let someone awesomenocity walk away from me. ;;Looks Murkrow straight in the eye;; You saved my life...? I thought you... oh, I was wrong! Queen Arylett... she blunders a lot. ;;Removes deductions and gives Murkrow a *200 raise;; I'm sorry I didn't trust you.

    ...I understand now. I understand why you did it. Sometimes I wish I could get rid of them too, so people won't think that of me. But screw what people think, they can go ahead and think their stupid idiotic thoughts. I'm tired of being influenced by others' judgement. I want to post in Forum Games. Why? So I can have FUN. And screw anyone who thinks I do it for postcount and that I have a high postcount because I post meaningless posts for postcount.

    Why did you want to lower your post count? And that's selfish... to want Oooohface to delete EVERYONE'S replies just to lower your postcount! Sure, I understand laziness. But I would NEVER do that.
    :P I know you mean well, but I just can't bring myself to closing it.
    But you DO know that I personally don't care for post count. Because forum games completely distorts lots of people's, like mine. And so that is why post count has no meaning to me.
    But then that's just lost memory. And won't that be like lots and lots of screencaps?
    I see.....
    If not for the forums games section, I would have like 300 posts or something.
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