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  • Ooooh. No wonder. Well, we go slowly, remember?
    Thanks for giving us this opportunity, Oh Great Murkrow One.
    It certainly sounds fun~ ;;Amused;;

    My friends and I talk about odd stuff like that as well. Today we spoke of having sex in Disney Land and Goofy and Mickey handing out condoms. Yeah. Also, apparently one of them (they're both guys by the way, which would explain the perverted jokes) imagined me in a flamenco dress, doing a flamenco dance. And the other imagined me as a flamingo, with long black curly hair.

    And the other day, they were trying to decide what animal I would be if I was one. They were arguing over it, sort of. "I think she'd be a rabbit." Me: "A RABBIT?!" "No..." And the other guy looks at me for a moment, deeply in thought. "She's more of a bird." And the first guy says: "Yeah, I can see that... she is birdish. Maybe a... pigeon?" Of course I was insulted. And second guy says: "No, not a pigeon! She's like... some bird of prey... maybe an osprey.. or a hawk."

    Me: "X3??"

    My guyfriends are really weird. Just as weird as you and Crazy Boy~
    I was on the US side for a while, then I pulled a Benedict Zim move and switched to the World side. Then I decided to be such a Benedict that I pulled a double-Benedict move.


    ;;Immensely amused;;

    Sick, but absolutely brilliant. I love weird stuff like that. Sugar Puff Monster~ Poor Jenny, aww, she can't have both, can she? 105 year old virgin... 105YOV? That would be your nickname.
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