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  • Cunning as a fox that's just been made Professor of Cunning at Oxford University...

    Er... no. Why?
    Yes? Your point being?

    I (Mike) am a VERY careless murderer. I tried to stab someone in the head yesterday. I missed and hit them in the foot.
    No, not much longer.

    And I suppose I did ask for it somewhat, yes. A title change may be in order, but for what I have in mind that will require an avatar change also.
    That is a conundrum. It makes my brain explode just thinking about it.

    Oh wow. How elaborate. ;;Giggles;; You guys talk about very strange things. ;;Amused;;

    And what of Len Moles, postman?
    When you said you dreamt I was a mod...

    And now you're going to deny ever saying anything of the sort, I'll try to convince you otherwise, and we'll just end up going on and on about that for a few weeks.
    The mod thing is craziest. I'm not fit to mod ANYTHING. XD

    And Jane's quite a nce name actually. I might get it changed. XD

    Ex-transsexual makes sense, sort of. I mean, maybe he used to be a transsexual. And now he's not.

    Tell me about the excutioner next. ;;Amused;;
    Well, if you want to change the subject, then we shall change it. ;;Looks curiously at Pirate Jenny, but doesn't say anything;;
    ;;Snortlaughs;; A competition that you must always win?

    Ahahahaha. ;;Amused;; He actually does that? Goes up to people and tells them how to improve their lives?

    He is amusingly odd. I like him already.
    Alright then, let's have a go. I can't keep going for long though, but an hour should be enough time to even the score.
    Yes, it is. A very amusing one, too~

    Oh really? Well, he certainly sounds... interesting. Okay, he sounds crazy. What else does he do?
    Well my two friends and I were in a three-way chat. And one of them accidentally typed: "Anyone once was a milkshake?" And then the other one was like: "Yeah, I used to be a milkshake." And then I said: "Now it was a long, long time ago lads..."

    It went on from there.
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