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  • It probably does have an accent. I read everything in an American accent and I don't even notice it~

    You can? Wow. I can't even change mine. Mine is fixed.
    ...hmm. I've already heard my voice several times recorded. It sounds neither like how I think I sound nor how I really sound.

    My mind is boggled by this thought voice.
    I sound like you then. See, I told you~ (I'm not really sure. The loudness of our thought voices... does my thought voice even sound like me? No... it doesn't really.)

    If I plugged in my microphone, I'd record my awful singing and use it as the most earsplitting, violating sound. In fact, I think it would be an assault to all of humankind's ears. Perhaps their eardrums would explode.

    ...oh wait, I already did that. Yep, I already posted my horrid singing~
    I know you don't think I sound like Spongebob. What do you think I sound like~?

    I guess we all like to do things, even if we're bad at them~ My singing is so goddawful, it could break my own glasses.
    Hmm, that is true.

    But I like to sing, even if I'm bad at it~ And that's why I like my tildes~ And if I sound like Spongebob Squarepants in your head, then listen to Spongebob sing~
    Yes, but how would you know that I don't sound like Spongebob or you or a high pitched valley girl if you have no idea what I sound like?
    Yes. Of course~

    Would you believe me if I told you that I didn't sound like Spongebob, but in fact sounded like some sort of high pitched valley girl?
    Well then, I suppose your ears would explode whenever I "sang" with my tildes~

    What if I really /do/ sound like Spongebob?
    Because you can't actually hear me singing~ You can imagine my "voice" to sound like whatever you like, can't you?
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