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  • I warn you, you WILL want to marry this banner when you see it.
    (I think I'm a tad too happy with it really.)

    Anyway, what did you think of the update?
    Enjoy :D
    Also turn sigs on so you can see my sexy new advertising banner =DDD
    (warning: this statement may contain hyperbole. banner may be awesome rather than actually physically attractive.)
    Aw, bummer D: *hugs* But you get a load more days off, right? Unless your school doesn't do study leave.
    Seriously, who wants strawberries on their breakfast? :o

    Anyway, have your exams started yet? I had General Studies today.
    Aww D: *hugs* Here:
    Yeah, he's a strange person. Luckily I'm avoiding him now though :)
    (Yeah, that may sound harsh but you don't know him...)

    Started revising for the A-levels yet? I haven't... xD
    Some guy who used to hang around with me because he somehow thought I like him used to rub his face with both hands whenever he got excited. And either he denied it just to be annoying (wouldn't put it past him actually) Or he didn't notice he did it. :o
    I've got a sort of twitch. Just a tiny one that makes me wrinkle my nose. I think it's so I can straighten my glasses without using my hands. :)
    Didn't succeed. xD
    Ugh, I got a little taste of your tiredness problems today. I dunno why but I was fighting to stay awake all day, and breaking the yawning world record while I was at it.
    I still have two to get done, ideally before block release. I was hoping to do them today... wish me luck with that one xD
    You sleep too much. xD Just not at the right time.
    The good thing about Law is you have to e-mail the essays in, so you can pretty much send them as late as you want since the teacher can't really make you hand it in. xD
    Nor me, but free periods can be boring. Me and my friend were sat there on the grass, the daisies were there... I just couldn't help myself. I suppose it doesn't make it much better that this isn't the first time I've done this... xD
    How overdue was it? My Law ones were somewhere in the months. =o
    And if you DID get it it'd be more socially acceptable for you to wear jewellery made of flowers. xD
    I finally got 2 of my way-overdue Law essays written today ^^
    British summertime sucks too. Especially for people with hay fever, i.e. me. Especially for people with hay fever who insist on making daisy chains and wearing them round their necks, i.e. me again.

    Luckily it's not til 10 days after that that I have an exam I care about :3 Hopefully History's not gonna be for a while...
    Awww :(
    Not sleeping well does NOT help during school time.
    (A-levels in three weeks yesterday AAAAAAARGH ><)
    D: I take it you're having trouble sleeping and not just staying up til ridiculous hours because you want to, otherwise I'd have to do the biggest facepalm in history. XD
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