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  • Well, now I'm on Crystal Palace, with 4 continues, 0 lives and 1 health :) I think at this rate I might get to Candy Chateau. Though I may have to go back through Pink Plant Woods a few times to collect Tings and rack up a few lives to see me though.

    Eeek, three hours' sleep? o.O;; Holiday sleep patterns really don't work during schooltime. Once over Easter I just stayed up right through til 7am, had a nap and went off to work. True story.
    You replied in the wrong profile silly. xD
    I think I might go with Heidegger or Voltaire instead.

    Anyway, today I beat Space Mama. I swear she's even harder than Mister Dark >.<;;
    XD Though I do hate playing as Yoshi...I end up rolling into an egg and falling off the stage while I am trying to swallow someone. D=

    Oh, ok.
    Well, it balances out then. If I don't like any of them and you want them all, that probably averages to the usual amount. xD

    None of them have syphilis anyway, so I couldn't have them D:

    Oh, and Shopenhauer is too long to be a Pokémon nickname. >.<;;
    *takes hands off him* Don't worry, I was kidding. Falco's not really my type. Too much penis :) Plus I'm not really the sort to get crushes on or be attracted to anyone or anything and generally the whole relationships etc. thing does not appeal to me. But moving on :)

    I'm not really especially good with anyone either, but I'm OK with Fox, Pit, Wolf, Link and Kirby. And I'm also becoming not bad with Snake. Not bad for Mike, anyway :D
    If we're talking about our preferred choice of Brawl fighters I'm probably best with Fox.

    If we're talking about the other thing, then I agree, Falco's very attrac- never mind >.>;;
    ;=o Never thought I'd say this but I think I'd rather see Mr Game and Watch pleasuring himself.

    Moving swiftly on... XD
    Oh yeah, I was going with Nietzsche. =)

    I got to Pencil Pentathlon, hah. =D Or Mr Dark's Dare, but using a cheat password.

    You know, the really, really unsettling thing is, this being the Internet, that kind of thing is out there somewhere. o.o;; Hold me.

    (Oh, and I have interesting county-buddy news for ya. Check Fwee Thred pls =3)
    Ah, now I see your logic! :D
    Shame I'll have to leave Wittgenstein out though, he's got a great name. Now I'll have to think of someone else to accompany Schopenhauer, Aristotle, Socrates, Confucius and Descartes... XD
    In other Mike-related news I'm on Eraser Plains on Rayman with 15 lives and all continues. And my Unintentional Innuendoes picture of Mr Game and Watch is growing creepier by the second. ><
    The only problem with the philosophers idea is that Wittgenstein won't fit. But then, naming a Pokémon "Hitler" probably isn't the best of ideas, especially if I somehow get WiFi one day. xD

    Happy Easter, by the way!
    Oh yay ^^ Me likey Lucarios.
    I don't normally go for nicknaming Pokémon. Though if I get Platinum they're all gonna be either WW2 leaders or philosophers. :3
    That, too, is irritating. It's even worse that if you lose a life you go down to 3 health. So if you can't beat her with 5 health what fricking chance have you got with 3? xD
    I swear to god one of her exploding pots is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to avoid. xD

    Zack&Wiki is awesome, but it's pretty damn tricky. Luckily you can buy items that give you a clue or let you revive yourself if you mess up a puzzle, but they get more and more expensive the more you buy.
    Whatever you do, get Zack&Wiki: The Quest for Barbaros' Treasure at some point. It may seem childish but it is the most brilliant game in the history of ever.

    Thanks =) But I will struggle enormously when I get to Space Mama... she's one of those enemies that should be the easiest thing in the whole goddamn world but you just can't stop screwing up. That or I suck. xD

    (Also, I went to Bourton-on-the-Water on Wednesday, and it seems Heart is also disgracing parts of Gloucestershire as well. >:()
    Mario&Sonic's not bad =) Never tried Mario Kart, but then I'm not too into driving games. (Need any recommendations for games to get in the future? :3)

    Yeah, just charging headlong into it I managed to get to Mr Skops and beat him all by myself, but then I hit the wall. :3 I'm gonna try and be a bit more careful this time- I'm on Gong Heights with about 14 lives and all 5 continues, so all's looking well.
    Yay for getting a Wii ^^ Have you got any games besides PBR?

    I recently started again on Rayman. Frankly hoping to finish the game on 2 lives with about a dozen cages still to open was optimistic at best. :)
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