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  • *shrugs* I always find that's how platformers tend to work. Find all the obstacles by trial and error until you get killed by all of them in turn and can avoid them and reach the exit. xD
    That sounds... unspeakably pointless. xD

    I got Pokeymans Snap today, and accidentally hit a Meowth in the head with an apple. I feel horrible now D:
    Hehehe, it is ^^

    I also got a thing which claims to translate what you type into L337 or Morse code, but doesn't so much do that as not really do anything at all. xD
    I've got about two Law essays outstanding. But then it doesn't really matter if they're late, so that's OK ^^

    Still, I got this awesome thing that makes the address bar into the progress bar, and this really cute theme which has a little running fox instead of that circle of circles that spins round when something's loading ^^
    So do I, virtually. Just double Bio in the afternoon. I meant to get some Law essays typed in the morning, but instead I ended up just browsing Firefox add-ons. xD
    Another one? D= You poor thing. Hope ya get better soon.

    Anyway, I'm OK. I've got my Law mock exam tomorrow. :3
    Oh :3

    Once I was spinning round on one of those ropes on Angel Island Zone and placed springs as I went, and it was just an endless symphony of BOINGBOINGBOINGBOINGBOINGBOINGBOINGs. xD
    But when it does work it can be hilarious.

    Like you can place this item box which turns you into Hyper Sonic and gives you zillions of rings, and if you burst loads and loads of them the game can't express your ring total in actual figures any more. And when you reach the end of the level it takes about five minutes to calculate your ring bonus. xD
    *shrugs* Sometimes when I do it on Mega Collection it goes all glitched up, and if you try to restart it it takes you to the Sonic & Knuckles title screen.
    XD It's legendary. Shame it sometimes totally knackers the game to pieces and you have to start again.
    *pokes you very gently with a stick so that you barely feel it* Now don't do it again.

    Ever used Edit Mode on S3K? It's crazy :3
    No, not IN the fridge!!! When have you ever heard of a little kid drawing a picture and them having it put IN the fridge? You've ruined my entire... Oh god, I'm once more in one of my phases where words keep vanishing from my head just as I'm about to say the-

    Lava REEF! ^___________________^

    Still, S3K's cool. *puts on the music from the volcano level whose name escapes me for the moment* Which reminds me, got the Mega Drive working yet?

    *writes "Hoppy" above the bunny in an illegible scrawl and asks you to put it on the fridge*
    You're actually joining? *plots to hunt you down during your next giving-hugs-to-random-people thing*

    Er... don't mind me, I'm just... drawing a bunny here :3

    *changes it to Green Hill Zone theme* There :3
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