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  • I guess I could always bring back the jokes where I do something that looks like I'm doing something I shouldn't be but I'm not, except with Glameow walking in on me rather than Mil. But then there are only so many of those you can do before you begin to look perverted :3 Plus it's not a prospect anyone wants to dwell on. xD

    I get lots of mail in short bursts, usually soon after wasting huge amounts of money on eBay/Amazon. :3
    Yes, but it's hard to think what I would like to do with it :3 Plus it needs to build up into some form of climax, e.g. Mil has to come up with some super-dastardly plan to ruin our relationship, before I can use the ending and potential after-joke I thought up.

    And I know... I hope it wasn't something I ordered from Amazon that they forgot to put in the envelope o_o
    It's going to be a Phoenix Wright one ^^ Though I doubt it'll be any good, since the cases in the games are written by geniuses and I'm pretty much a total idiot, and also I doubt it'll work without the animation or music. Still, it'll give me a break from the nightmare of a story I've gotten myself into in Oddity, which I don't know what to do with >.<;; Maybe giving myself a girlfriend was just a tad too surrealist. :3

    Oh, and today I got an envelope of nothing. :o
    I'm guessing you're not gonna want to elaborate on that one. *passes you a mug of Lemsip with the horrid taste somehow removed*

    I'm OK ^^ Considering starting up a new sprite comic. Also got crazyrockboy coming tomorrow, and if he defeats me on Brawl I'm going to force him to play Trauma Center without telling him the controls, making it even more disgracefully difficult.
    The werehog's not actually that bad, in my opinion anyway. Apart from sounding like Shad with a sore throat.

    Hyper Sonic was even cooler~
    It annoys a lot of people :3 I like the new games though. Except for Sonic and the Secret Rings. And for some reason I find Sonic Unleashed irritating as well.

    I wish I could be bothered to play Sonic Mega Collection again. I looooooved Sonic 3 & Knuckles. <3
    D: But the old Mega Drive Sonic games were amazing ;_;

    Hm, it's been a week and I still haven't touched those Spyro games... I don't think they were such a wise investment. xD
    *salutes* Happy to help :D

    Got any games with teh Mega Drive?

    *wonders if the new masturbation thread is humourous like the old one before the forum crash and whether he should risk checking*
    Well, my sound-only one was just a cable that ran straight out of the SCART block and into the console, so I'd look out for one that has the three little cables coming out from the console which plug into a SCART block. I got the latter, and it worked for me :3
    That sucks D:

    Does the console itself work or can you just not get the picture up? If the latter you should try getting a SCART cable from Amazon or eBay like I did.
    Not as far as I can gather. And I don't think I'll bother to find out now I has mah N64 and Trauma Center :3 *cuts something with scalpel*
    Me too, generally. I thought I'd enjoy it because I thought you could play as Gandalf, who is a legend. However instead you play as a load of people I've never heard of.
    *shrugs* Felt like trying them out. Then I got home and realised what I'd done.

    GAME had a 3 for 2 offer on preowned games and I got this Lord of the Rings game with them that I dislike after just 10 minutes playing it. Hell, it was free.

    Fortunately I recently bought Trauma Center: New Blood and got my N64 working. So I might not even get round to playing them- at least that's the plan. xD
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