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  • Yes, we have established that Hugs Are Good. :3

    Wiki it, I think there's a link to the official site somewhere. xD
    D: *helps you up*

    I have to research something called FHC for Bio. I've no idea what that is exactly and I can't seem to find out, so I'm researching both Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and the Free Hugs Campaign.
    What?! You don't want something that can kill you or severely screw up your brain? Madness! =)

    And I'm not surprised, he comes up with all sorts of crazy rules o.O I dunno why I chose Meowth, especially when I <3 foxes way more than cats. :3
    It didn't help that my friend decided to randomly say "my granddad had a stroke and died" while I was researching them. It really brightened up the proceedings :3

    And so she is :3 Why you chose a Grumpig for a Pokésona I won't ask. (Why is he holding onto your ear?)

    Not terrible, though a teeny little bit depressing as I spent an hour and a half researching about smoking and how it kills you for Bio.

    (Nice new avvy btw :D Why Tails is carrying a Grumpig, I won't ask. xD)
    Though ever since then she's been affecting my ability to decide what the hell to do with the comic. Maybe I should end things with her. xD

    And nor do I ^^;; I are an loner. Anyway, if you want to make more friends just look for people with similar interests to you or who you think you'd like and drop 'em a visitor message or something :3 That's how we started, after all.
    Then again, I do have Glameow. xD

    I've accumulated a shockingly high number of friends in my time on forums... quite how I'm not certain. :3
    Aw, but I like insulting myself~ Jokily or otherwise. Still, if none of them can bear to be within three centimeters of me, the outlook's far from optimistic, surely? =)

    And really? D: Aw, that's such a shame. You should have loads. Or you should at least try to get one who lives a bit further away to be magically transported to, since being in the same county we're probably quite a reasonable distance apart and no magic device is required. xD
    D: Well, I'd be in a tight spot if I was with someone... luckily people do have standards :D

    Why couldn't Chloe do it herself? (Nice name, that, incidentally 8D)

    (And I'm the person you'd choose for the magic go-to-any-TCoDer-you-want thing? Aww ^^ *hugs again*)
    *shrugs* I guess on the upside it helps narrow the chances of me ever having a girlfriend. (Yeah, that's an advantage for me. Just don't ask how.) Funnily enough most of my closest friends on the Internet are girls, however. =/

    What would possess anyone to commit such a horrific act, anyway?
    Well, outside the Internet girls tend to hate me and all my non-Interwebz friends are guys... and between us, it's kinda awkward xD

    In that case, smash him. xD
    ^.^ Sadly there are only two people I'm especially huggy with, and they're both e-friends. I usually give my sister one when I see her, but that's not an awful lot since she left home.

    Speaking of Year of the Dragon I should play it more. I've finished Spyro 1, and I only need 4 more Orbs to fight Ripto on Spyro 2... but on Year of the Dragon I'vehardly gotten anywhere. xD
    ^^ Hugs may not have medicinal properties but at least they're nice. xD

    It's along the lines of Year of the Dragon in most respects, but the loading times make you want to die.
    Oh yay :3 It's nice to hear you're feeling better. Hope you're all better soon :D *offers hug*

    I finally played Enter the Dragonfly yesterday... not too sure whether to like it or not.
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