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  • Pyramid =/= Sphinx. I was suggesting another monument =3

    A big Sphinx made from raspberries.
    Raspberry Day... and that's about it. I suck at these. xD

    How about monuments? The Raspberry Tower. A big tower made from raspberries!
    We can print your face on the raspberries and my face on the little individual round bits.

    What else has to be discussed?...
    I was thinking a raspberry or the major unit (like a pound) and individual little round bits of raspberry for the minor unit (like pence).
    Ugh, no! I can't live in a pink mansion, people will think I'm gay. And much as I abhor homophobia, that's still not a reputation I'd appreciate. xD
    *runs it up a flagpole*

    Now, we must get started building the government headquarters and mansion of the heads of state. We shall call it, "the Red House", as raspberries are red.
    Hey, you can't eat your own people. A lot of leaders went down a similar road- Hitler, Stalin, Pot... history didn't look kindly upon them. You want Queen Ruffledfeathers I to be the most beloved Raspberrytopian leader in history.
    No, they're not actual raspberries- that's just their name. You know, like people from New Zealand can be called Kiwis?
    You should teach it to people. Maybe start a country where it is the native tongue. Raspberrytopia!
    XP Your meat hat?

    Yeah, they're generally just loud and annoying and I hate the way you have to talk to them even if they're too young to know what the hell you're saying. Though they can be OK. Even quite funny sometimes. Like when I went round crazyrockboy's and his baby brother kept trying to say "Captain Jack Sparrow". It came out "Guzzun Dack Sarrow". XD
    I got a day and a half off ^^ And I have no younger siblings to siphon away my time off, ha.
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