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  • Well, you may like them. It's all up to personal preference.

    So, you wrote on your glasses huh? I danced with a boy. :D
    But... fruit's healthy! D:

    I'm not adverse to fruit... but I still hardly ever eat it even when there's nothing unhealthy/nicer around.
    Oh, right. But you might accidentally get it on your tongue.

    Fruit is such a kerfuffle. Junk food all the way says I.
    I can only eat bananas from between the day after they're bought to about a day or two after that. Somehow I'd don't like them too fresh or with weird brown mushy lumps.
    I may have had Horlicks a while ago when I was little... mostly on Christmas Eve night. xD

    Apparently bananas help you sleep.
    You know what sucks? When you feel so tired you think you're going to die but you still can't bloody get to sleep. =/
    Ugh, me neither. I'm usually still asleep by the time I get home from school. But in the way that you say you're still asleep even though you're still awake.
    Recently I'm fighting to stay awake on the bus home from school all of a sudden. Luckily I suddenly become fully awake again when the bus reaches the stop...
    Y'know, the only thing worse than being kept up all night because of something bothering you is waking up to realise you were thinking complete bullcrap all night.
    Yeah, like people say, if you really love someone why do you need one specific day to show it?

    Anyway, how are you?
    Nah, I wouldn't :D Mainly because there are blind, deaf people with no arms or legs dying of AIDS, TB and sixteen different kinds of cancer all at once who are bankrupt and whose entire family has just died who sometimes comfort themselves by thinking, "well, at least Mike's never sent me a Valentine's card".
    I'll draw you a card and scan it or something. xD

    Being the thoughtful soul I am, I stole a Club biscuit from the cupboard at home and gave it to her to return the favour. However, everyone then began using "Club" as a euphemism for penis, and the mickey-taking was slightly prolonged.
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